HAMPSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY CAT SHOW. Hampshire Advertiser, 15th January 1873
One of the great characteristics of the present day is the cry for novelty. Some years ago dog shows came into vogue, and have been very popular ever since, and now the cats, which had so long been neglected, have their turn. Very interesting collections of these domestic pets have been brought together at the Crystal Palace, on several occasions, and, for the first time, we have this year, a show of a similar kind in Southampton. The idea of an Ornithological Society including a Cat Show in its programme may possibly strike some of its friends as rather incongruous, but we have no doubt it can find ample precedents for the course it has adopted, besides which it can plead the success of the experiment as its justification. The cats, we understand, are not the least interesting department of the exhibition, and being a new feature in it, may not prove an ineffectual one as regards the addition that will thereby be brought to the society's financial resources.

The members of this society, established in 1859, and of which Mr, P. M. Hoare, M.P., is the president, are now holding their twelfth annual exhibition of poultry, pigeons, pheasants, cage birds, cats, etc. (open to the United Kingdom) at the Auction Repository, Southampton [. . .] The entries year after year have increased, and the show which commenced yesterday (Tuesday), and will be continued to-day (Wednesday) and to-morrow (Thursday) is the largest yet held' the entries being quite 100 in advance of last year, while this time is included, mainly, we believe, through the desire of Dr. Welch, the chairman of the committee of management, a cat show, and which has far surpassed the expectations of the promoters.

The cats, as might be expected, attract no end of attention, especially with the ladies. There are nearly sixty entries including all kinds - tabby, tortoiseshell, black and white, black, white, long and short hair, etc, and several of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood are prize-takers, including Mr. W. E. Manby Miss Caines, Mr. G. T. Pope, Mrs. Hawker, Miss A. J. Walter, Mrs. Lewis, Mr. W. Drewitt, Mrs. E M Wheeler, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Walter Perkins, Mr. J. H. Churcher, Miss M. J. Samways, and Mr. Councillor W. H. Purkis, the latter getting a second for a painted ocelot, or tiger cat.

Class73: tortoiseshell, or tortoiseshell and white, male or female (any age). 1, Mr. H. Strofton, Streatham-common ; 2 Mr. T. Goldsmith, Suffolk ; 3, Mr. E. Homer; highly commended, Mr. Flitton, Herts ; commended, Mr. Strofton aul Miss Annie Hill, Upper Norwood.
Class 74, tabbies, any shade, male or female (any age). 1.Mr. W.E. Manby, 112, High-street, Southampton ; 2, Mr. G. Peach, Salop ; 3, Miss Caines, 3, Bedford-place, Southampton ; highly commended, Mr. W. King, Oxford.
Class 75, black, male or female (any age). 1, Mr. G. T. Pope. Virginia-cottage, Highfield, Southampton ; 2, Mrs. Hawker, High-street, Southampton.
Class 76, white, male or female (any age). 1, Mr. T. Baldwin Norwood.
Class 77, black and white, male or female (any age). 1, Mis A.J. Walter, Winchester ; 2, Mr. W. Ogilvy, Grosvenor- road, Bessborough-gardens, London, S.W.
Class 78, long hair (any shade, male or female). 1, Mr. W. Drewitt, Albion-place, Bevois-valley, Southampton ; 2, Mrs. Lewis ; 3, Mr. T. Johnson, Rickmansworth, Herts.
Class 79, any variety of no sex (any age). 1, Mrs. E. M. Wheeler; 2, Mrs. Walter Perkins, Bowling Green-house, Southampton; 3, Mrs. Law; highly commended, Mr H. Fowles, 27, Lottery-terrace, Briton-street, Southampton.
Class 80, kitten, of any shade, male or female (under 3 months).- 1, Mr. J. H. Churcher, 2, Miss Minnie J. Samways; 3. Mrs. S.A. Pocock, Berkhampstead ; commended, Mr. E. Horner.
Class 81, any other variety, male or female (any age).-1. Mr. Nicholson; 2, Mr. W.H. Purkis, Ascupart-street, Southampton.

SOUTHAMPTON CAT SHOW. The Queen, 18th January 1873
The exhibition of cats is becoming exceedingly popular. The managers of the Hampshire Ornithological Association at the annual show held this week at Southampton issued an attractive schedule of nine classes, with three prizes in each. These were well filled, more than fifty animals being exhibited. Billett s pens made expressly for the Crystal Palace Cat Show were used, and every pen had a neat red cushion in front, and a bed of dry sand at the back. The first class was for tortoiseshell, and tortoiseshell and white. The first prize went to an exceedingly well-marked tortoiseshell and white, the colours well defined. In this class two red tabbies of high merit were shown, but necessarily passed over by the judge. The first prize for tabbies went to a very good spotted tabby of light silver-grey ground colour, the others to well-marked striped tabbies. In black there were only two entries, and of white but one. The prize for black and white went to a very symmetrically marked male. Several of the Persians were good. In the class for the heavy cats, some good Persians were entered. Kittens were very good, and in the variety class the prizes went to a twenty-eight toed cat and a very handsome ocelot. Several mistakes were made by the exhibitors placing their entries in the wrong classes. The animals excited great attention, and the department of the show devoted to them was well filled with visitors. The prizes were awarded by Mr Tegetmeier. The following is the prize list:
TORTOISESHELL, OR TORTOISESHELL AND WHITE. - 1st, H. Strofton; 2nd, T. Goldsmith; 3rd, E. Horner. High com., Flitton. Com., H. Strofton and Miss A. Hill.
TABBIES. - 1st, W. E. Manby; 2nd, G. Peach; 3rd, Miss Caines.
BLACK. - 1st, G. T. Pope; 2nd, Mrs Hawker.
WHITE. - Prize, T. Baldwin.
BLACK AND WHITE. - 1st, Miss A. J. Walter; 2nd, W. Ogilvy.
LONG HAlR. - 1st, W. Drewitt; 2nd, Mrs Lewis; 3rd, Mrs M. Morgan.
ANY VARIETY OF NO SEX. - 1st, Mrs E. M. Wheeler (grey Angora); 2nd, Mrs W, Perkins; 3rd, Mrs Law (tabby). High com., H. Fowles.
KITTEN. - 1st, J. H. Churcher; 2nd, Miss M. J. Samways (grey tabby); 3rd, Mrs S. A. Pocock (Angora).
ANY OTHER VARIETY. - 1st, O. Nicholson; 2nd, W. H, Purkis (ocelot).


POULTRY, PIGEON, RABBIT, AND CAT SHOW. Northampton Mercury, 8th March 1873
The fourth annual show of poultry, pigeons, rabbits, and cats was held in the Corn Exchange, Wednesday and Thursday. Previous exhibitions have obtained the fame of being the best in the Midland Counties, and the show this year merits the same distinction. It was open, as the others wore, to the United Kingdom, and each country was represented, there being upwards of 1,300 entries.

Class 70. Tortoiseshell, all shades, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. H. Critchett, Northampton; 2nd, 10s., Mrs. Parker, Kingsthorpe ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. G. Gibbs, Northampton. Highly commended, Mr. T. Gill, Northampton.
Class 71. Tabbies, any shade, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. Jno. Woods, Northampton ; 2nd, 10s., Mr. Walter Shipman, Northampton ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. H. Chambers. Highly commended, Mr. J. Hudson, Northampton; Mr. Jno. Parker, Northampton; Mr. Roberts, Spratton Vicarage; Mr. Alfred Evans, Marston, Oxford ; Mr. C. Haddon, Northampton: Mr. H. Critchett, Mrs. W. Morbey.
Class 72. All black or all white, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. Welby, Northampton; 2nd, 10s., Miss S. A. Coles, Kislingbury ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. James Clayson, Northampton.
Class 73. Black-and-White, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. J. Rowland, Northampton ; 2nd, 10s., Mr. J. C. Sibley, Northampton ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. Thomas Baldwin, Northampton.
Class 74. Long-hair Tabbies, all shades, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. T. Adams ; 2nd, 10s., Mr. J. Millham, Great Berkhampstead ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. Thos. Carriss, Market Harborough. Highly commended, Mr. J. Millham. Commended, Mr. J. U. Stanton.
Class 75. Long-hair, or any other colour, male or female, any age. 1st, 15s., Mr. E. Cumpston, Pitsford ; 2nd, 10s., Mr. W. Whitwell, Daventry ; 3rd,, 5s., J. N. Beasley, Esq. Highly commended, Miss Pell, Northampton; Mr. George Clarke, Brixworth ; J. N. Beasley, Esq.
Class 76. Any variety or colour not before mentioned, male or female, any age. 1st prize, 15s., Mr. C. Cursham, Hartwell-lodge ; 2nd, 10s., Mrs. Hall, Northampton ; 3rd, 5s., Mr. Thos. Hemmings, Northampton.
Class 77. For one Kitten, male or female, any variety or colour, under four months. 1st, 15s., Master H. N. Wetherall ; 2nd, 10s., Mr. C. Tassell ; 3rd, 5s., Miss M. L. Wetherall, Loddington. Highly commended, Mrs. Humphreys, Northampton.


The second annual exhibition of this show, which will be held in the Wellington Hall, Dover, on Wednesday and Thursday next, promises to be a greater success than that of last year. This year the competition has been thrown open to the whole of the counties of Kent and Sussex, and, consequently, a much larger number of entries have been obtained the total number being 429. The show of this year has a new and somewhat unique feature, namely, the exhibition of cats, and the prizes which have been offered have had the effect of attracting a good representation of the feline tribe. The 429 entries comprise 268 in the poultry department, 129 for the pigeons, and 32 for the cats.

The second annual poultry, pigeon, and cat show of Dover and the Cinque Ports took place on Wednesday and yesterday at the Wellington Hall, Dover, and was attended with a degree of success less than that which characterised the first show, which was held in the same room and under the auspices of the same committee nearly a twelvemonth ago. [. . .] About 207 pens of poultry were exhibited and 130 pens of pigeons. The cats exhibited numbered 32.

The show of cats was a very fair one, and secured a large share of attention from the visitors, more especially from the ladies, who had on this occasion opportunity of inspecting some very curious and interesting specimens of the feline tribe. Miss Hales, of Canterbury, exhibited all the cats in class 39, Long-haired cats, "of any variety or colour. The first prize was taken by a fine specimen of blue and white, and the second by a remarkable specimen of chinchilla and white. The kitten class, owing to the earliness of the season, was a failure. It mustered only five entries. The last pen, No. 408, contained a good specimen of pure black, exhibited by Miss Emma Long, of Shepherdswell, which took the first prize. There was not one tortoiseshell cat in the show, and only two entries of tortoiseshell and white, the prize being taken by Miss Warren, of Saxon Street, Dover. Both cats were remarkable for their regular marking. Class 32, Tabby, any colour, or tabby and white," contained the most entries, but, strange to say, every cat entered in this class was touched with white, there not being a pure tabby " in the Show. Only two "whites" and two "blacks were entered. In class 36 only one cat was entered - a blue, or slate coloured male, 60 months of age, exhibited by Mr. W. Finn, of Canterbury. It succeeded in taking only a second prize, but in the Judge's opinion, would be a very good candidate for the next Crystal Palace Show. The cat of Mrs. Jacobs, of Shepherdswell, was the best one exhibited. It was fine specimen of long-haired white, and was only twelve months old, being exhibited for the first time. Hitherto Miss Hales's cats have succeeded in carrying the palm in this class in shows of the neighbourhood, but the new cat of Mrs. Jacobs far surpasses hers.

Another noticeable cat was exhibited, though not for competition, by Mr. Lemon, of Snargate Street. It was of the Auberviliers breed, and was taken from the nest in its wild state, when seven days old, and nursed until able to feed. The cat was a full-grown male, and must have take a prize in any exhibition of its class. "Monsieur Bibi " is 4 and a half years old, has a magnificent head and jaws, and were he spotted instead of striped, might be taken for a young leopard. Bearing in mind that this is the first year cats have been included in the Show, the Committee may fairly be congratulated the number entries.

Class 31. Tortoiseshell, or Tortoiseshell and White. 1st prize. Miss Lottie Warren ; highly commended, Mrs. W. Jacob.
Class 32. Tabby, any Colour, or Tabby and White. 1st prize, Mrs. Alfred Haynes; 2nd, Mrs. Wm. J. Hughes ; 3rd, Mrs. C. Pain.
Class 33. Black. 1st prize, Mr. Henry Pankhurst ; highly commended, ditto.
Class 34. White. 1st prize, Stephen Court, Esq.; commended, ditto.
Class 35. Black. and White. 1st prize, Mr. R. H. Warwell; commended, Miss R. Betts.
Class 36. Any other Colour or Variety. 2nd prize, Mr. W. Finn.
Class 37. Long-haired White. 1st prize. Mrs. W. Jacob ; 2nd, Miss Hales.
Class 38. Long-haired Black. 1st prize, Mrs. Gamblin; highly commended, ditto.
Class 39. Long-haired Any other Colour or Variety. 1st and 2nd prizes. Miss Hales.
Class 40. The Best Kitten under 4 Months Any Colour or Variety. 1st prize. Miss Emma Long; 2nd, Mr. Henry Pankhurst; 3rd, Mrs. C. Pain.


CAT SHOW, NEWCASTLE Morpeth Herald, 29th March 1873
A cat show, promoted by Mr. H. Wardle, Rose Inn, Pudding Chare, who gave 4 handsome silver cups as prizes, was held on Monday, in the large room attached to Mr. Walter Proudlock's establishment, the Shakespeare Hotel, Shakespeare Street, Newcastle. The venture was the first of the kind ever attempted in that town, but the entries were numerous, and embraced some handsome specimens of the feline tribe. The attendance throughout the day was large, more especially of ladies, and altogether the exhibition was a great success. Mr. Joseph Simm, of West Cramlington, was the judge, and the entire satisfaction which his awards gave completely showed that in judging either dogs, poultry, or cats he was up to the mark. The cups were awarded to the best in four classes, the successful exhibitors, being:-
Best Foreign Tom, Mr. Harry Kelley, Blenheim House, Cattle Market, Newcastle;
Best English Tom, Mr. Thomas Sayers, Tiger Inn, Newcastle; second ditto, Mr. George Dodd;
Best English Queen, Madame de Hart, Newcastle;
Best Foreign Queen, Mr. Henry Atkinson, Newcastle; second Mr. Wm. Blakey, Adelaide Hotel, Newgate Street, Newcastle.


GLASGOW CAT SHOW North British Daily Mail, 26th April 1873
A Grand Show of Cats, Foreign and British Birds, and other Domestic Pets, will take place in 32, 36 Gordon Street, on the 13th, 14t, and 15th May, under the management of H Martin, Naturalist, 25-and-half Buchanan Street. Prize lists now ready.

CAT AND BIRD SHOW. North British Daily Mail, 14th May 1873
The second show of cats and birds in organised by Mr Henry Martin of Buchanan Street, was opened yesterday, in eligible premises fitted up for the occasion at No. 32 Gordon Street. The former exhibition, it will be remembered was held in Burnbank Hall some two years ago, and we may at once say that the present is fully its equal in attractiveness. Including kittens, the number of cats shown is about 100 in all; and the collection includes specimens of almost known variety, excepting the true wild cat of the north of Scotland and the pure tortoise-shell. The nearest approach to the former is No. 17 the catalogue, a powerful looking and beautifully marked male, caught alive in a trap about two months ago, near to Castlemilk, near Rutherglen, and exhibited here by Mr Duncan, jun., 94 Buchanan Street. Another animal attracting general attention is the coal-black mael (No. 28) from Duncan's Restaurant, Buchanan Street, and who is not inappropriately named "Mons. le Diable." Of the other more remarkable specimens we need but refer to two, No. 49, shown by Miss Charles of the Bedford Hotel, and No. 67, Mr Wm. Hood's red Tabby, a powerful fellow who bears the reputation of being "death" to the largest rat that may unfortunately cross his path - and he looks it. We should not omit mentioning, by the way, the splendid long-haired white male shown by Mr. Caird, Fewnort, Garelochhead, and which now, as at Burnbank two years ago, takes, as he unquestionably deserves, the first prize. An object of special interest, to the younger visitors especially is No. 79; a litter of five kittens front Duncan's Restaurant, each with a blue ribbon round its neck, and reposing on a blue silk cushion. They are awarded the first prize, as against a litter of three shown by Mr J. M. Campbell, Carrick Street. [. . .] W. Stables, Esq., M.D., R.N., Inverurie, Aberdeen, acted as judge for the show. The following is the prize list:-

Tortoiseshell and White (female) 1st, Mr Thomson, 256, Buchanan Street; 2d, and highly com., Alex Thomson, 163 New City Road; highly com., John M. Campbell, 6 Carrick Street; com., Mrs McMillan, 224 Buchanan Street; and Samuel Doualas, 20 Ann Street, Port-Dundas.
Brown Tabby (male) 1st, John Duncan, jun., 94 Buchanan Street; 2d, A. Clark, 103 Old Wynd; highly com., Robert D. Cleland, Ayton House, Downhill; K. McKnight, 118 Renfield Street; and Robert Currie, 13 Candleriggs.
Brown Tabby (female), one prize - Hugh McIntyre, Renfrew Court.
Blue Tabby (male) 1st, R.S. Angus, 23 Waterloo Street; 2d, An Leitch, 174 Parliamentary Road.
Black (male) 1sr, Duncan s Restaurant, Buchanan Stret; 2d, Marion G. Malcolm, 3 Elcho Place, Strathbungo; highly com., Miss M A Perman, 3 Westbourne Terrace, and James Mackie, 316 Duke Street.
Black and White (male) 1st, Ralston Black, 139 Govan Street; 2d, Mrs Joseph Turner, 93 South Portland Street; highly com., Mina McLeod, Young s Land, Strathbungo; Henry Muir, 39 Braid Street; Davis & Wilson; 271 Argyle Street; and Mr Marquis, 39 Jamaica Street.
Brown, Blue, Dark or Light Grey, marked with black or white (male) 1st, Miss Fanny Charles, Bedford Hotel; 2d, Mrs Hislop, 1 Great Hamilton Street; very highly com., John Munro, 10 North Albion Street; highly com., Mrs Jeffrey, 7 Cathedral Street; com., John Milligan, Blue Bell Inn, Portobello.
Same a above (female) one prize Charles Haldane, 54 Milton Street; highly com., Mrs Forbes, 8 Cathcart Place.
Spotted Tabby (male) one prize A. Scott, 103 Great Eastern Road.
Spotted Tabby (female) Highly com., A. Scott.
Long-haired White (male) Mr Caird, Fewnort, Garelochhead.
Long-haired White (female) Highly com., Miss McDonald, Hale s Valley.
Short-haired White (male) 1st, Robert Forsyth, 2 Sauchiehall Street; 2d, Miss Hart, 2 Berkeley Terrace; highly com., (for two entries), J Robertson, High Street, Berwick-on-Tweed.
Red Tabby (male) 1st, Wm Hood, 186 Argyle Street; 2d, Miss Fanny Charles.
Any Other Variety (male) one prize Catherine Scott, 85 Stanley Street, Kiuning Park (for a white Persian); highly com., Charles Campbell, Dundas Street (pair of Manx cats).
Any Other Variety (female) 1st, Robina Monteith, 35 Ronald Street (Persian); 2d, John Dunlop, 26 Carnarvon Street (ditto).
Kittens (any colour, not less than three in the litter) 1st, Duncan s Restaurant, Buchanan Street; 2d, John m. Campbell, 6 Carrick Street.
Best Marked Kitten (any variety, under 6 months) Andrew Clark, 103 Old Wynd, and Thomas A Campbell, 7 Carrick Street each a second class prize.


THE CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW The Times, 20th September 1873

When a very few years ago, the novel announcement of a National Cat Show brought down 20,000 people to the Crystal Palace. They were not rewarded by such a sight as may be seen there to-day and till Tuesday next. Either the public had not then awake to the knowledge of the true value of the cat, or perhaps cats, like horses, are subject to periods of scarcity. Be that as it may, but 62 in all could then be found to set before the 40,000 eyes that were there to see. Miserable animal, too, they were; the very pariahs of the gutter and the house-top; animals whom no well-bred dog would have condescended to worry, and from whom even a mouse would have thought twice before it ran. But nowadays Mr Wilson, Superintendent of the Natural History department of the Palace, has changed all that. This year 262 cats of every colour, size, and country have been divided into 53 classes, among which are distributed 144 prizes, from the two-guinea silver medal offered by Miss Hales for the best Persian or Angora, down to the five shillings which is to be the meed of the third best pair of long-haired kittens under 6 months old. Of these 53 classes nine are new since last year s show, including two open only to the working man s cat, and a selling class, which has seven entries, for each of which a fee of 2s. is charged, all of which must be for sale, and none of which are to be assessed at a higher figure than 20s. A prize of two guineas was also offered by Mrs. Cashel Hoey, in memory of Nero, a four-footed friend, for the best brown Tabby Tom Cat. Unfortunately, no Brown Tabby Tom of sufficient merit has yet been found, and for the moment Nero s memory, though doubtless not unwept, must, perforce, remain unhonoured.

In the central nave, hard by the Egyptian Court the court of those who held the cat a sacred thing stood the cages of these famous animals. Except in the case of families, each cat has his or her own private cage, fitted up with its own particular cushion, whereon are reposing in a happy state, born of food and slumber at discretion, cats of every age, of every size, of every colour, of every country, and of every sex, including some, by no means the least fair to look upon, of no sex at all. From the tops of the sundry cages all round the little enclosure flutter light blue flags, announcing to the crowd the immediate whereabouts of those proud ones on whom the eye of the judge has rested with favour. This office, we should imagine, has been no sinecure, for it is never an easy task to decide which is the fairest where all are fair. It is a task, however, which could not well have been put in better hands than those of Messrs. Harrison Weir, Jenner Weir, and P.H.Jones.

It is impossible to conceive that any species of the genus cat can here have been overlooked. Such a contingency has, indeed, been provided for by the establishment of a class for any wild or hybrid between wild and domestic or other cat, and the fact that this class has failed to secure a single entry is of itself a sufficiently good proof that the caution was superfluous. Those who have hitherto regarded the cat only in the light of a necessary evil created by beneficent Providence for the slaughter of mice, and the amusement of old maid, schoolboys, and bull-terriers, would be astonished at the really magnificent animals that may be seen here. Fat, very fat, are most of them, with fur as sleek and well-cared for as any fine lady s hair. Beautiful, too, they are, with necklaces and ribands of many colours and devices, and they look, to do them justice, as if they knew and were proud of the fact.

Numbered first upon the list, and surely first in order of merit, comes the short-haired tortoiseshell tom. He is not only the sole representative of his class, but so far as is known, with him the class begins and ends. He must by this time be well-nigh surfeited with the income of praise, for this will be the fifth show he has sat out, and as yet no brother has come near his throne. His owner, then, may be pardoned for rating him as high as 20/. Passing on by a variety of breeds and colours, tortoiseshell, brown, blue, and silver tabby, we pause to note the occupants of cages 91, 92, 93. They are short-haired tabby she-cats, and this is the first year that any such have been exhibited. Hitherto they had always been considered as rare as tortoiseshell toms, and when last year this class was established it failed to take away its reproach by even a solitary entry. Truth to tell, though they may be of surpassing value, these red tabbies are not very beautiful to look upon. In cage 119 is what is, perhaps, the curiosity of the collection. It belongs to mr J. Walter, answers, or at least ought to answer, to the name Mymie, and comes from Siam. It is of a black fawn colour, with black points, and a round head somewhat like that of a pug. There is, we believe, a Royal edict in Siam prohibiting the export of any male of this breed, which may account for the presence of two very common and plebeian looking kittens within the Royal cage. Then there is a little black English cat before which we should not be inclined to linger had we not been told that it could sit up on its hind legs and beg like a dog. In cage 142 may be seen a touching sight, where See, a little kitten of ten weeks old, keeps watch and ward over Nell, a bull terrier pup, who, though the elder by a week, looks infinitely more frightened and unhappy than its present guardian, but, alas! we fear future foe. Among the long-haired tribe, Miss Hall s Angora Salim, occupying cage 152, must be mentioned as the winner of former prizes at the Palace, at Dover, at Boston, and at other places; while but one cage off purrs a worthy rival in a Chinchilla and white Angora, belonging to Miss C.S. Thompson. On the west side of the enclosure, and above the little box whence catalogues and other useful bits of information are dispensed, the visitor will probably be attracted by a large photograph of a black cat a real black cat, without a single spot of white and in cage 162 the original is to be found, an Angora, belonging to Mr Lloyd, of the Aquarium. This is a cat with a history, a travelled cat, who has seen men and critics, and doubtless known their minds. Born in Paris in 1860, it crossed to London in the following year, started for Hamburg the year after, where it remained till 1870, and then came over to Norwood, which has been its abiding-place ever since. Paris, Hamburg, and London what may not a cat of observances have seen in those cities within 12 years time, to say nothing of Norwood?

But we cannot pretend to enumerate all the objects of note that are contained in the 262 cages. Passing by a half0bred Persian of a most curious and pleasing blue-grey colour, belonging to Miss Farren; by a black and white tom, belonging to the cellarmen of the Palace, the possessor of an undeniable pair of white whiskers; by a white she-cat with one eye bright yellow and the other almost an Eton blue, we come at last to class 51, wherein are congregated the cats of no sex belonging to working-men only. And these cats do the greatest credit to the care and good keeping of the working-men. They at least can have no inducement to strike, whatever their masters may do; for however high wages may go, it is simply an impossibility that they should be in better care. In this class, weight alone confers the meed of merit, and the prize is gained by the inhabitant of cage 248, who weighs 16lb 14oz., and belongs to Mr T. Durst of South Lambeth. Had it not, however, been for an error in the time for entry, Mr Durst would have had to rest content with second honours, for at the northern end of the enclosure stands, in an unnumbered cage, a huge brown tabby, weighing 19lb. This is very far above the ordinary run of weights, though we believe there was exhibited on the Pier at Brighton, not long ago, a cat which was said to draw the unprecedented weight of 23lb.

* * *

CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW. TO-DAY (SATURDAY). South London Press, 20th September 1873
The fifth annual Cat Show of the Crystal Palace commences to-day (Saturday). Although the entries are not quite so numerous as on former occasions, the specimens are as a rule even finer, and, as a natural consequence, the show is much more interesting. Mr. F. W. Wilson, to whom the success of former shows is greatly due, has introduced several new classes, and has thus increased the scope of the competition. Among these may be mentioned a class for red tabby and white he cats, one for red tabby and white she cats, and, especially for competition among working men, a class for the best she white cat, one for the best short-haired black cat, one for the best litter of short-haired kittens, one for the heaviest short-haired oat, and one for the heaviest long-haired cat. These extra prizes, as may be imagined, have greatly added to the attraction of the show; and in variety the exhibition of 1873 may be said to far exceed those of any previous years.

To ordinary observers cats present no particular features of interest, but to the initiated there are many points of difference which render them of special interest. For instance, the first class comprehends short-haired tortoiseshell he cats. Tortoiseshell he cats, in spite of the assertion of a well-known periodical are very rare, and the single specimen exhibited by Mr. L. Smith, for the fourth time at these exhibitions, is the only one ever seen by the superintendent, Mr. Wilson, or by the judges. It still remains the only representative of a class; and as far as one can tell is likely to remain so. The short-haired tortoiseshell she cats (always a very large class) are of great excellence, and the competition was rather keen. The unusual coloured cats of both sexes will excite great interest from their novelty. Among them may be mentioned a couple of Manx cats, belonging to Mr. Peter Williams and Miss Baker, Sydenham; a half-bred Scotch wild cat, exhibited by Mr. A. H. Seager; and an English cat, exhibited by Mr. J. S. Chambers, of Apsley-road, South Norwood. There are some capital specimens of long-haired cats, and especially should be noticed a pure white animal, exhibited by Miss E. Forgerty, which has gained a prize every time it has been shown. Miss Hales, of Canterbury, as on former occasions, is a large exhibitor, and six entries are placed to her credit. No. 152, an Angora cat, will be found worthy of notice, both on account of its beauty and unusual excellence. Of course there are some abnormal specimens, and included in this class will be found Nos. 213 and 238, cats with eyes of different colours, being a distinct blue and yellow, and those with an extra number of claws. The heaviest cat in the show is one weighing 19 pounds, but which is disqualified from the fact that it arrived too late. The prize winner is exhibited by a working-man, which weighs 16 lb. 14 oz., and is sent by Mr. Durst. It is a brown tabby, which colour appears to be peculiarly favourable to size and weight. Mention should also be made of a Siamese cat, "Mymie," exhibited by Mr. J. Walter. Its colour is most peculiar, and it is well worthy of notice. A black cat, No. 162, which has taken several prizes, should also be noted. It has gained a second prize, and in addition has had the honour of being photographed, the photograph, which is of large size, being exhibited by the artist, Mr. Norris, of Norwood. Besides the varieties we have mentioned there are many classes too numerous to mention, but which will be found to present many points of interest. There is one thing, however, which we should not forget to notice, and that is - the exhibitors do not sufficiently attend to the rules laid down, and the consequence is that many specimens are disqualified from the fact that they are entered in the wrong class. Every credit is due to the judges, Messrs. Harrison Weir, Jenner Weir, and P.H. Jones, for the pains they have taken to award the prizes to the most deserving; while for the arrangement, Mr. F. W. Wilson, who has had great experience in such matters, is entitled to every praise. On the whole, the Cat Show of 1873 is an undoubted advance upon Its predecessors, and we can conscientiously recommend it to those interested in such matters. The following is the prize list as far as could be learned up to the time of publication:
Short-haired Tortoiseshell He Cats. - 1, Mr. L. Smith.
Short-haired Tortoiseshell and White He Cats. - 1, Mr. John Hurry.
Short-Haired Brown Tabby He Cats. - 1, Miss M.E.. Moore.
Short-Haired Blue or Silver Tabby He Cats. 1, Mr. F. W. Reynolds; 2, Mr. Graham Ellis.
Short-Haired Red Tabby He Cats. - 1, Miss Forshall; 2, Mr. J. Rowley.
Short-Haired Red Tabby and White He Cats. - 1, Miss Howe; 2, Mr. W. Headde; 3, Mr. John Relf.
Short-Haired Spotted Tabby He Cats. - 1, Mrs. Whalley.
Short-Haired Black sad White He Cats. - 1. Mr. J. Bradden; 2, Miss Ferguson; 3, Mr. James Penwill.
Shorthaired Black He Cats. - 1, Mr. J. Harper; 2, Miss E. A. Houndle; 3, Mrs. F. Winder.
Short-Haired White He Cats. - 1, Mr. R. H. Young; 3, Miss Nelly Lumsden.
Short-Haired Unusual Colour He Cats. - 1, Mrs. Sarah Barnes; 2, Mr. Frederick George.
Any Other Variety of Colour or Singular Form or Species, Manx, &c. - 1, Mr. Peter Williams; 2, Mr. I. S. Chambers; 3, Miss M. Baker.
Short-Haired Tortoiseshell She Cats. 1, Mr. E. Horner; 2, Mr. James Penwill.
Short-Haired Tortoiseshell and White She Cats. 1, Mrs. Bennett; 2, Master Boatright; 3, Mr. J. H. Elliott.
Brown Tabby She Cats. - 1, Mr. Hellier; 2, Mr. R. Tweed.
Short-Haired Blue or Silver Tabby She Cats 1, Miss Daisy Waterhouse Hawkins; 2, Mr. de Castro.
Short-Haired Red Tabby She Cats. - 1, Mrs. Cullingham; 2, Mrs. Whalley; 3, Mrs. W. J. Nichols.
Short-Haired Spotted Tabby She Cats. - 1, Mrs. E. Newton; 2, Mr. J. Billing; 3, Mr. J. A. D. C. Houndle.
Short-Haired Black and White She Cats. - 1, Mr. H. Ranson; 2, Mr. John Gessey; 3, Mr. J. Bradden.
Short-Haired Black She Cats. - 1, Mrs. Shuckard; 2, Mr. Edward Perry; 3, Miss Merchant.
Short-Haired White She Cats. 1, Mr. J. Harris; 2, Mr. S. J. Baldwin; 3, Miss Edith Ashby.
Short-Haired Unusual Colour Cats. - 1, Mr. J. Walter; 2, Mrs. William Routledge and Mr. W. Wookey (equal); 3, Mr. J.H. Elliott.
Tabby. - (Colour to be of any hue, evenly marked, striped or spotted with a dark colour.) - 1, Mr, J. Penwill; 2, Miss Hales; 3, Mr. S. K. Shadbolt, jun.
Unusual . . . (Colour to be any remarkable tint such as???? blue.) - 1, Miss C. S. Thompson; 2,????
Pure White. 1, Miss S.A. Pocock; 2, MissHales, 3, Miss Smith.
Black . - (Colour to be entirely black - no white.) - 1, Miss M. Armitage; 2, Miss M. A. Lloyd; 3, Mrs. E. F. Edwards.
Tabby. - (Colour to be any hue, evenly striped, or spotted with a darker colour.) 1,Mr. W. Williams; 2, Mrs. E. F. Edwards; 3, Mrs. Eagle.
Unusual Colour. - 1, Miss Farren; 2, Miss Hales.
For the Two Best Long-Haired Kittens under six months old. - 1, Miss Cottington.
For the Heaviest Short-Haired Cat, Black, Black and White. - 1, Mrs. M.A. Lemaire and Mrs. Kingsford (equal); 2, Mr. M. Brunton.
The Heaviest Short-Haired Cat, White. - 1, Mrs. J. Isherwood; 2, Mr. C. G. Church; 3, Mrs. Carbury.
For the Heaviest Short-Haired Cat, Unusual Colour. - 1, Mrs. Gunner; 2, Mr. T. Mackenzie; 3, Mr. J. H. Sims.
For the Heaviest Long-Haired Cat, Black, Black and White. - 1, M. Armitage.
For the Heaviest Long-Haired Cat, White. - 1, Messrs. T. Farnham and Sons.
For the Heaviest Long-Haired Cat, Tabby, any Colour. 1, L.W. Watson; 2, Mrs. E. M. Wheeler; 3, Mrs. James Kempton.
For the Heaviest Long-Haired Cat, Unusual Colour. - 1, Mr. A. Mongredien; 2, Mr. G. F. Cremer; 3, Miss C. S. Thompson.

For the Best Black and White He Cat. 1, belonging to Beer Cellarmen, Crystal Palace.
For the Best Tabby and White He Cat. - 1, Mr. W. Scrivner.
For the Best White She Cat. - 1, Mrs. Randall.
For the Best Short-Haired Black Cat. - 1, Mr. Mark Odle.
For the Best Litter of Short-Haired Kittens, any Colour. - 1, Mrs. Jane Rowley and Mr. G. Aslett (equal).
For the Heaviest Short-Haired Cat, Tabby, any Colour. - 1, Mr. T. Durst; 2, the Larder, Crystal Palace; 3, Mr. Tudman.
For the Heaviest Long-Haired Cat, any Colour. - 1. Mr. J. Curtis; 2, Mrs. Glendenning; 3, Mr. A. H. Hopkins.

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CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW. London Evening Standard, 22nd September 1873
The fifth national cat show was thrown open to the public on Friday at the Crystal Palace, and will be continued to-day and to-morrow. Thus is Grimalkin again in her glory, and under the patronage of her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland. Lady Dorothy Nevill, Charles Darwin, Esq., and other friends of "poor puss," holds dignified and quiet festival in a portion of the north nave of the Palace. A cat show has a much more aristocratic air about it than the noisy exhibitions of dogs and poultry, when the obstreperous barking, baying, and mutual recriminations of the dogs, and the crowing and screeching of the fowls, present a Babel of sounds distracting to all who are not accustomed either to the peculiar music of the kennel or the cackle of the farm yard. Indeed, there is a resigned behaviour on the part of the cats which contrasts most favourably with the blatant and vainglorious sounds sent forth by the canine and feathered tribes; but it should be remembered that the cat is a much more discreet and circumspect animal than the dog, and prides itself upon preserving a certain propriety of conduct, at least during the day, for the protege of Launce may urge that if he is rather boisterous by day, and given to express his mind freely when in the company of brother dogs, he is sparing of his tongue by night ; whereas the sleeper's difficulty is Grimalkin's opportunity, and the echoes of the chimney-pots are made to resound again in the dark hours usually devoted to the repose of the human family. But we must take the cat as we find him. The domesticated animal has his uses as the terror and exterminator of vermin, and some ladies love their cats with an intensity quite equal to the affection bestowed by certain bachelors on their dogs.

The motive for these annual cat shows is a good one. There is the scientific side of the question, which contemplates the improvement in the breed of cats by the offer of prizes for the best specimens produced at these exhibitions; and there is the humane side, which institutes prizes to the working classes for the kind treatment of domestic cats, such latter prizes being, in the present instance, offered by the Lady Dorothy Nevill, Mrs. F. C. Hoey, Mrs. Griffin, and Miss Hales. The present show, like its predecessors, occupies two sides of a portion of the north transept, and the exhibition may be pronounced up to the mark of former ones, although we have seen on other occasions a few more sensational specimens in the nature of the untameable animals. Notably, there was that terrible animal, a wild cat, shown by her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland two or three years ago, the fixed look of hate of which would not soon pass out of the recollection of the beholder. The show is, nevertheless, rich in every variety of cats. There are "short -haired" cats of both sexes ; "long, haired "cats; there are "cats of no sex;" and Angora or Persian cats ; and whilst the merits of some turn upon the beauty of their marking, those of others are determined by weight.

It is a pretty sight to see, in profuse array, the tortoiseshells, the brown, blue, and red and spotted tabbies; the pure whites, the pure blacks. As we have said, the behaviour of the cats was the most sedate and prim. There was a preponderating expression on their faces of a dislike to be stared at, but upon the whole they bore the scrutiny at the private show yesterday with stoical indifference. Here and there, perhaps, a furtive look met you which seemed to hanker after a nearer acquaintance between the bars ; and the kittens of course were full of play. The judges of the merits of the animals were Mr. Harrison Weir, Mr. J. Jenner Weir, and Mr. P. H. Jones ; and the general arrangements of the show were under the direction of Mr. F. W. Wilson, of the Natural History Department of the Palace. Amongst the first prizes awarded were the following :

To Mr. W. L. Smith's short-haired tortoiseshell male cat, a cat which has already carried off four prizes; Mr. John Hurry's Totty, Miss M, E.Moore's Tippo Sahib.
Class 6. Miss Howe's very prettily shaped cat.
Class 8. Mr. J. Bradden's short-haired black and white he cats;
Class 9. Mr. J. Harper's short haired black he cat; Class 10. Mr. R. J. Young's short-haired white he cat;
Class 11. Mrs. Sarah Barnes's slate or mouse-coloured short- haired he cat, a very beautiful animal ;
Class 12. Mr. A. H. Senger's half-bred Scotch wild cat. a weird-looking, tailless creature ;
Class 13. Mr. E. Homer's short-haired tortoisesheli cat (the whole of the entries in this class being very good) ;
Class 16. Mr. Hellier's short-haired brown tabby cat;
Class 17. Mrs. Culiingham's short-haired red tabby cat short-haired red tabby cats being a rarity.
Class 19. Mrs. E. Newton's short-haired spotted tabby cat.
Class 20. Mrs. H. Hanson's short-haired black and white cat ;
Class 22. Mr. J. Harris's Snowdrop, a very nice short-haired white cat, with five pretty white kittens ;
Claes 23. Mr J. Walter's Mymie, a brownish cat, with face black like a pug-dog and black ears ;
Class 26. Miss E. Forgerty's Persian cat, entirely white;
Class 28. Mr.J. Penwills tabby, Prince ;
Class 29. Miss C. S. Thompson's Angora (chinchilla and white), which beat Miss Hales' medal cat at the Boston show;
Class 30. Miss S. A. Pocock's Angora, entirely white ;
Class 31. Miss M. Armitage's Topsy, a magnificent cat, entirely black;
Class 32. Mr. W. Williams's Persian, Sally, a tabby ;
Class 34. Miss Farren's fawn-coloured half -bred Persian cat ;
Class 30. Miss Cottington s pair of Persian kittens;
Class 40. Mrs. Gunner's slate-coloured cat, one of the largest in the show;
Class 41. Miss M. Armitage's Sambo ;
Class 42. Messrs. T. Farnham and Sons' Persian white cat;
Class 43. Mr. W. Watson's half-bred Persian, a remarkably fine cat;
Class 44. Mr. A. Mongredien's Persian cat.
The first prize awarded to working men fell to the beer cellar-men belonging to the Crystal Palace for the best black male cat ;
Class 47. Mr. W. Scrivner's tabby and white male cat ;
Class 40. Mr Mark Odle's short- haired black cat.
The first prize for the heaviest cat, of no sex, belonging to working men, was awarded to Mr. T. Durst, and the second to "The Larder," Crystal Palace- Mr. Durst's cat weighing nearly 17lb.

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THE CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW. The Hour, 22nd September 1873
After many years' comparative neglect, the "harmless, necessary cat" bids fair to take as prominent a place before the public as is at present occupied by the dog. Since the first cat show held at the Crystal Palace some years have now elapsed, and during that period similar exhibitions have sprung up all over England. The conclusion has been arrived at that other people besides old maids can take an interest in this domesticated variety of the feline race; and though there is no probability of cats ever achieving amongst us the proud position they occupied in Egypt of old, where we are told the death of one was followed by universal lamentation and the shaving of head and eyebrows by the entire household, is doubtful in the extreme, there is no doubt that their importance is daily increasing. The great success of the Crystal Palace Cat Shows, a success fostered by the most admirable management, is a proof of this. And though this year there may be a slight diminution to record in the number of entries, the type of animal exhibited is unquestionably superior. People are being educated up to the point of distinguishing between a good and a bad cat, and see it is no longer any use to submit specimens of the latter to the judges. Another cause that may, however, have something to do with its falling off in numbers lies in the fact that many previous exhibitors are away from home at the present period of the year.

The list of prizes offered by the Crystal Palace Company this year has been liberal in the extreme, and the subdivision into classes has greatly facilitated the chance of obtaining one of these rewards of merit. This subdivision, however, is likely at first sight to startle outsiders unaccustomed to such subtle distinctions as those between red, brown, and blue tabbies, &c. As a proof, however, that knowledge of these matters is spreading, it may be noted that there were very few animals disqualified on account of wrong entries. One thing is, however, to be sincerely hoped namely, that in future times general excellence may not be blindly sacrificed to mere "points" infinitesimal, as is now the case at too many dog shows. On the present occasion, with Messrs. Harrison Weir, J. Jenner Weir, and P. H. Jones as judges, such an occurrence was not to be apprehended. One feature deserving of special note at this (the fifth) National Cat Show was the prizes to be competed for by working men. To encourage the kind treatment of domestic cats, Lady Dorothy Nevill, Mrs. F. C. Hoey, Mrs. Griffin, and Miss Hales, following the successful example of Baroness Coutts and the costermongers' donkeys, have offered a number of special prizes for such animals being the bona fide property of working men, and the Crystal Palace Company have supplemented these gifts with both monetary prizes and bronze medals.

Every arrangement has been made to secure the comfort of the feline visitors, under the supervision of Mr. F. W. Wilson, the Superintendent of the Natural History Department, who has shown himself most indefatigable in organising the show. Each cat occupies a large and commodious wire cage, sheltered all round by green baize; and is provided with a cushion to lie upon and an ample supply of cooked meat and milk. It is astonishing, to see the tranquillity that prevails amongst these animals. For the most part they lie lazily, with half-opened eyes, placidly indifferent to their surroundings. Whether as night comes on the silence is broken by the discordant noises too frequently indulged in by the lovesick felines upon the tiles we cannot say. At any rate the contrast with a dog show in the matter of silence is a most pleasing one. The term "cat and dog," has, by the way, crystallised into the essence of antagonism; but, strange to say, in Cage No. 142 a tabby and white kitten, "Sue," and a bull terrier pup, "Nell," are to be, seen living in the most perfect harmony, save that "Nell" manages to make more noise than all the cats put together. That many of the cats shown occupy a high position in the feline hierarchy is shown by the collars with which their necks are ornamented. Whilst the owners of some have been satisfied with a bit of ribbon suitable to the colour of the animal, others are far more daintily decked. But the difference does not lie in this alone. On studying the faces of this wilderness of cats the student of feline nature becomes struck by the vast difference of expression. Some cats have a look most plainly and positively refined and aristocratic, due, no doubt, in a great measure to their surrounding associations. Others are equally unmistakably vulgarians. Black, white, grey, red, blue, silver, mouse and fawn colour, and striped or spotted; bushy tailed, smooth tailed, and tailless; English, French, Russian, Manx, Persian, Angora, and Siamese - all had some distinguishing characteristic expression. Still, for general description, no better lines were ever penned than those written by John Boswell in 1591, and prefixed to the catalogue, as follows:

"This beaste is called a Musion for that he is enemie to Myse and Rattes. He is slye and wittie and seeth so sharpely that he overcometh darknes of the nighte by the shyninge Iyghte of his eyne. In shape of body be is like unto a Leoparde, and hathe a great mouth. He dothe delighte that he enioyeth his libertie; and in his youthe he is swifte, plyante, and merye. He maketh a rufull noyse and a gastefull when he profereth to fighte with an other. He is a cruell beaste, when he is wilde, and falleth on his owne feete from moste high places: and oneth is hurt therewith. When he hath a fayre skinne he is, as it were, prowde thereof, and then he goeth faste aboute to be seene . . ."

With 53 classes and 262 entries it is impossible to do more than note some of the most striking specimens of feline perfection. The prize for tortoiseshell he cats has been given for the fifth time to Mr. L. Smith, whose animal sits in solitary state the sole specimen of its class. The class of red tabby (vulgarly known as sandy) she cats, popularly supposed to be almost as rare as tortoiseshell Toms, has, however, three representatives, the winner of the first prize being the property of Mrs. Gillingham. In the short-haired classes, the brown, spotted, and blue tabbies of both sexes were almost without exception remarkably fine cats, whilst amongst the longer haired animals the white and mouse-coloured Persians and Angoras might be said to bear the palm. No. 116, a white cat with one bright blue and one green eye; No. 129, a black cat with an abnormal number of claws and a peculiar twist in its tail; No. 164, a superb long-haired black, the winner of a 1st prize; No. 174, a remarkably fine mouse-coloured Persian, the recipient of similar honours; No. 143, a white Persian, and also a 1st prize taker; No. 183, another Persian, with orange and white fur and a leonine face; and No. 214, likewise from the land ruled over by Nas'r-ed-Deen, were all worthy of notice. But, perhaps, one of the most remarkable animals in the entire show is No. 119, Mr. J. Walter's Siamese cat "Minnie," which obtained 1st prize for shorthaired she cats of an unusual colour. The King of Siam is the possessor of a breed of cats, which he guards with the most zealous care, allowing none but females, of which "Minnie" is a specimen, to pass out of his dominions., In colour she is a greyish drab, with black muzzle, ears, and feet, and blue eyes. The prize offered for the heaviest short-haired cat of any colour brought forward some superb mouse-coloured, animals, and there is no doubt that their hue will be greatly popularised by these exhibitions. The half-bred Persian, No. 219, that received the chief honours for weight amongst long-haired tabbies, is a huge beast, with frills and whiskers of most portentous size, nor was No. 220 much behind it. The heaviest cat, however, taking a prize was a short haired tabby belonging to Mr. Sudman, in Class 51, weighing no less than 16 lb 14 oz. This weight was, however, exceeded by a brown tabby, the property of Mr. Martin, of the Caledonian-road, which was, unfortunately, entered too late for competition, and which weighed no less than 19 lb. Such a monster must have appeared the cat that Thor strove in vain to lift from the floor of the giant's hall in Jotunheim. The cats exhibited by working men comprise some very fine specimens, one belonging to the beer cellarmen of the Crystal Palace.

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THE CAT SHOW AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. South Wales Daily News , 22nd September 1873
The National Cat Show at the Crystal Palace, which opened to the public on Saturday, must be pronounced a great success. This year 262 cats of every colour, size, and country, are exhibited, and the show, as usual, is arranged in the nave of the Palace. On entering the novel exhibition, the sight of the visitor is first attracted by a number of little blue flags fluttering from the cages in which the various cats are confined. These, it is soon discovered, indicate the animals that have secured first prizes, and, as a consequence, the attendance of the visitors at these particular points is very great

The first animal that arrests the attention in the short-haired class is No. 43, a fine black animal, well worthy of the honour of the first prize, which he has secured. No. 50 also secured a first prize, its colour being a spotless white. Amongst the short-haired cats, of unusual colour, number 56 bears off the palm, as a more extraordinary dun-coloured animal has rarely if ever been exhibited. Number 76 in the same class is also a very pretty animal. Passing on by a variety of breeds and colours, tortoiseshell, brown, and silver tabbies, we come to the red-haired tabbies, and although it is the first year this peculiar species has been exhibited, the display is remarkably good. No. 119 is, as far as curiosity is concerned, perhaps the most remarkable animal in the exhibition - it is a cat from Siam. Its colour is a black fawn, and its head resembles that of the English pug-dog, but beyond its rarity it did not attract much attention. No. 142 cage was far more attractive, as it contained a pretty little cat named "Sue "peacefully fraternising with a diminutive bull terrier pup. In cage No. 162 is a real black cat, in which not even a single white hair can be seen. In the white Angora cats No. 157 secures the prize. In class 51, exclusively confined to the cats of working men, the first prize has been most justly secured by the splendid tortoiseshell Tom of Mr. Durst, of South Lambeth, and an estimate of its size can be formed when it is mentioned that its weight is within 2 oz. of 17 lbs. Altogether the show is a great improvement upon all those which have preceded it, and, as a proof of its popularity, it attracted one of the largest Saturday attendances of the present season.

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CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW. The Queen, 27th September 1873
Cat Shows may now be regarded as amongst the regular attractions of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, the show held during the present week being the fifth that has taken place in the building. The arrangements were all that could be desired, the rows of cages being placed on both sides down the nave, leaving ample room for the visitors. The show numbered nearly 300 entries, but did not strike us as quite equal in quality to those held on previous occasions. The classes were divided into groups, the short-haired males of various colours coming first, then the short-haired females. These were followed by the long-haired or Persian, in the same order, succeeded by the cats of greatest weight, and finally the working men s cats closed the show. In the class for tortoiseshell toms, the old recipient of the prizes (who after all is but a tortoiseshell and white) held his place, being the only representative of the variety. Tortoiseshell and white were good, especially the winner. In the blue and silver tabby the winner of the first prize was beautifully distinct in the markings. In the black and white male cats the prize was awarded for regularity of marking, and not for beauty of form or weight. Several singular mouse-coloured males were shown. Tortoiseshell she cats were a very good class; and that for red tabby she cats included three good entries, which fact is remarkable, as previous to the era of cat shows the variety was regarded as being as-scarce as the tortoiseshell toms. A singular Siamese cat, mouse-coloured, with a short, tufted tail, was a winner. The long-haired cats were numerous, but the show was rather too early in the season for them; as we heard a poultry fancier remark, they were in full moult. Miss Armitage s black took Miss Hales s prize for the best long-haired cat in the show.

The heaviest cats were not up to the weight of former years, 17 lb. being barely reached by the winner. The working men s cats were a pleasing feature, and made a very good show. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals did not give their usual prizes this year. Amongst the winners were very many ladies, and certainly the animals shown by Miss Hales, Miss Armitage, and Mrs Fogerty were not surpassed by those of any other exhibitors. The following is the prize list:

BROWN TABBY: 1st, Miss M. E. Moore; 2nd, Miss J. Gessey.
BLUE OR SILVER TABBY: 1st, F. W. Reynolds; 2nd, G. Ellis.
RED TABBY: 1st, Miss Forshall; 2nd, J. Rowley.
RED TABBY AND WHITE: 1st, Miss Howe; 2nd, W. Headde; 3rd, J. ReIf.
SPOTTED TABBY: 1st, Mrs Whalley.
BLACK and WHITE: 1st, J. Bradden; 2nd, Miss Ferguson; 3rd, J. Penwill.
BLACK: 1st, J. Harper; 2nd, Miss E. A. Houndle; 3rd, Mrs F. Winder. High com., E. Mather and Mrs Shuckard.
WHITE: 1st, R. H. Young; 2nd, Mrs E. Ruskin; 3rd, Miss N. Lumsden.
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, Mrs S. Barnes; 2nd, F. George.
ANY SINGULAR VARIETY: 1st, P, Williams: 2nd, I. 8. Chambers (six toes); 3rd, Miss M. Baker.
TORTOISESHELL: 1st, E. Horner; 2nd, J. Penwill; 3rd, T. G. Brown. High com., E. Horner. Very good cIass.
TORTOISESHELL AND WHITE: 1st, Mrs Bennett; 2nd, Master Boatright; 3rd, J. H. Elliot. High com., W. Clarke. Com., R. Bailey.
BROWN TABBY: 1st, Hellier; 2nd, R. Tweed
BLUE OR SILVER TABBY: 1st, Miss D. W. Hawkins; 2nd, J. de Castro.
RED TABBY: 1st, Mrs Cullingham; 2nd, Mrs W. J. Nichols; 3rd, Mrs Whalley.
SPOTTED TABBY: 1st, Mrs E. Newton; 2nd, J. Billing; 3rd, J.A. D. C. Houndle. Com., Mrs E. Newton and J. E. Swallow.
BLACK AND WHITE: 1st, H. Ranson; 2nd, J. Gessey; 3rd, J. Bradden. High com., Miss McDonald.
BLACK: 1st, Mrs Shuckard; 2nd, E. Perry; 3rd, Miss Merchant. A good class.
WHITE: 1st, J. Harrls; 2nd, S. J. Baldwin; 3rd, Miss E. Ashby. High com., Mrs McDonald.
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, J. Walter; 2nd, Mrs W. Routledge and W. Wookey (equal); 3rd, J. H. Elliott.
ANY OTHER VARIETY: 1st, L. M. White; 2nd, Mrs E. Newton; 3rd, L. M. White.
KITTENS: 1st, G. Darling; 2nd, Mrs Strutt; 3rd, Mrs Scarman. Com., Miss G. Lumsden and Miss Sayer.

WHITE: 1st, Miss E. Forgerty; 2nd, J. Penwill.
TABBY: 1st, J. Penwill; 2nd, Miss Hales; 3rd, S. R. Shadbolt, jun,
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, Miss C. S. Thompson; 2nd, Miss Hales.
WHITE: 1st, Miss S. A. Pocock; 2nd, Miss Hales; 3rd, Miss E. K. Smith.
BLACK: 1st and extra, Miss M. Armitage: 2nd, Miss M. A. Lloyd; 3rd, Mrs E.F. Edwards. High com., G. Pallett. A good class.
TABBY: 1st, W. Williams; 2nd, Mrs E. F. Edwards; 3rd, Mrs EagIe.
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, Miss Farren; 2nd, Miss Hales; 3rd prize withheld.
KITTENS: 1st, Miss Cottington; no other prizes awarded.

BLACK OR BLACK AND WHITE: 1st, Mrs M. A, Lemare and Mrs C. Kingsford (equal); 2nd, Mrs M. Brunton; 3rd, Miss H. Tallentire.
WHITE: 1st, Mrs J. Isherwood; 2nd, C. G. Church; 3rd, Mrs Carbury.
TABBY: 1st, E. Baxter; 2nd, Mrs S. Humphreys; 3rd, W. Sheen. Very high com., Madame Storelly and H. Hellewell. High com., Mrs Dives and Mrs E.J Smith. Com., W. Fox. A good cIass.
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, Mrs Gunner; 2nd, T. Mackenzie: 3rd, J. H. Sims.

BLACK, BLACK AND WHITE; 1st, Miss M. Armitage.
WHlTE: 1st, T. Farnham and Sons; 2nd, Mrs E. Hodgson.
TABB: 1st, W. Watson; 2nd, Mrs E. M. Whealer; 3rd, Mrs J. Kempton.
UNUSUAL COLOUR: 1st, A. Mongredien; 2nd, G. F. Cremer; 3rd, Miss C. S. Thompson.

BLACK AND WHITE: 1st, Beer Cellarmen, Crystal Palace. High com., Giddens.
TABBY AND WHITE: 1st, W. Scrivener. High com., J. Gamble. Com., S. Bowyer
WHITE: 1st, Mrs Randall, High com,, Mrs Luckin.
BLACK: 1st, M. Odle. High com., R. Durst and C. W. Fletcher. Com., Mrs B. Tully and Mrs Marchant.
KITTENS, ANY COLOUR: 1st, Mrs J. Rowley and G. Aslett (equaI).
HEAVIEST SHORT-HAIRED: 1st, T. Durst; 2nd, The Larder, Crystal Palace; 3rd, Tudman.
HEAVIEST LONG-HAIRED: 1st, J. Curtis; 2nd, Mrs Glendenning; 3rd, A. H. Hopkins.

[CAT SHOW] The Isle of Ely Gazette, 27th September 1873
The Cat Show was very good, and excited great interest. There were a great many thoroughly commonplace cats, such as one might see anywhere else, but en revandie, there were some that were marvellously beautiful, or every curious; but, on the whole, I think Grimalkin has now fairly established her (the feminine gender seems to stick to pussy) reputation as one of the most beautiful animals in creation. The show, by the way, has completely d esillusione the public as to that presumedly rare phenomenon a tortoiseshell Tom, which was supposed to be as difficult to discover as the Dodo or a four-leaved shamrock. There are several tortoiseshell Toms in the exhibition, while one for which his owners ask 1,000 last year is now valued at 20 only. Sic transit gloria, and another of our illusions is gone.

[CRYSTAL PALACE CAT SHOW] Pittsburgh Daily Post, October 6, 1873
THE ANNUAL CAT SHOW was recently held at the Crystal Palace, London, and a magnificent collection of specimens of the feline race were on exhibition. There were silken-haired Persians and Angoras, Siamese cats, tailless cats from the Isle of Man, tabbies, tortoiseshell, spotless white cats, and others of sable hue. The largest cat weighed 19 pounds, but even this unusual weight was eclipsed by one on exhibition a few months ago, which weighed 23 pounds. The exhibition attracted crowds of visitors, and a large proportion of the prizes were awarded to lady exhibitors.

A LONDON CAT SHOW.The Dixon Sun, Dec 17th, 1873
That our English cousins hold the house cat in higher regard than we do seems evident from the following account of a cat show, as given in the North British Agriculturist, That paper says: On Saturday, the fifth annual cat show at the Crystal Palace was thrown open to the public, and from the interest manifested by the vast and fashionable assembly at the Palace it may fairly claim to be considered exceedingly popular. Of the 300 specimens of the feline race exhibited, there could scarcely have been one that did not receive a visit from its owner or some member of the family. The general arrangements of the show, which were carried out by Mr. F. W. Wilson, of the Natural History Department, were excellent; while the judges had without doubt made a careful selection of the animals entitled to prizes. That distinguished individual, the tortoiseshell cat belonging to Mrs. L. Smith, who made such a sensation last year, appears again without a rival, and carries off as a matter of course the first prize in his class. His owner values him at 20. The ladies are to the fore as exhibitors throughout, and have been very successful in carrying off prizes. There are altogether 53 classes, nine being entirely new since last year. There are two curiosities in the collection. The one is No. l42, where Sue, a kitten of ten weeks, acts the part of mamma to a bull-terrier pup, Nell, whom she keeps watch and ward over with the greatest vigilance, notwithstanding that terrier tops the age of her foster-mother by a week. The other is a Siamese cat, of a black fawn color, with a round head somewhat like that of a pup-dog. .


birmingham cat show

THE [BIRMINGHAM] CAT SHOW. Bedfordshire Times and Independent, 8th November 1873
At last we are to have an Exhibition of those sweet domestic creatures who muse at our firesides, who work little by day, but tile at night, and whose ways are very mysterious, but, nevertheless, act according to their lights. We trust that the exhibition will be large, and the catalogue extensive, and append a list of special prizes, in the hope that a large number of cats will come up to the scratch: The Spinsters Prize, for the best Old Tabby. The Publicans Prize, for the finest Old Tom. The Boys Prize, for the best Tip Cat. The Garotters Prize, for the softest and gentlest Cat o -nine-tails. The Doctors Prize, for the best specimen of Cat-alepsy. The Artists Prize, for the largest and best Kit Kat. The Free Library Prize, for the best Catalogue. The Cemetery Prize, for the best Catafalque. The Druggists Prize, for the best Catarrh. The Newspaper Prize, for the best Catastrophe.

THE CAT SHOW The Birmingham Mail, 15th November 1873
The Birmingham Show promises so far to be a great success; entries are flowing in rapidly and everything is progressing as favourably as possible. It is not necessary for us again to state the several classes and prizes, as we gave these few weeks back. The entries close next Saturday, and the show opens on the 29th of November when we hope a good attendance will favour the exhibition. Of course all cats are expected be on their best behaviour, and to do nothing purr, and on no account to attempt to bite the fair hands which stroke their silken coats. There will be many rare and strangely-marked specimens of the feline tribe, well worth seeing by the most hardened ruffian who ever pelted, or set his dog at, his neighbour s cat. Pussy is a useful, faithful, and ornamental creature and well deserves encouragement in the shape of a Show.

THE CAT SHOW. Birmingham Daily Post, 28th November 1873
The arrangements for the Cat Show, which opens to-morrow, were completed last night. A commodious temporary structure has been erected on the Old Wharf with an entrance from Broad Street Corner, and every arrangement has been made for the "comfort" of the cats. There are 285 entries and about thirty others were received too late, although the time was extended until Monday night. The building is 100 feet long by 20 feet wide, and the pens, the same as were used at the Crystal Palace, and supplied by Mr. Billett, of Southampton, are placed in the centre and on each side of the erection. Every pen is supplied with a crimson cushion. The animals are divided into fifty- three classes, and special workmen's prizes eave been offered gratuitously by tradesmen of the town. Amongst these are two bronze and a silver medal, given by Mr. Joseph Moore, Pistford Street; a papier mache tray, by Messrs. McCallum and Hodson, Summer Row; and prizes by other tradesrmen . A staff of females has been engaged to attend to the cats. Animals will be sent from all parts of the country, and many which were exhibited a at the Crystal Palace will be found in the Birmingham Show. This will be the fifth exhibition of cats which has taken place, the other shows having been held at the Crystal Palace, Dublin, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. Mr. Chaplin, of the Red Lion, Smallbrook Street, is the principal promoter of the show, and from present appearances there is every probability that it well be a success.

TORTOISE-SHELL TOM-CATS. Birmingham Daily Post, 28th November 1873
A correspondent of Land and Water says it has been stated that the only "tortoise-shell tom-cat living" will be exhibited at the Birmingham Cat Show. Mr. John Thomson Milton, of Ballgonie, in the parish of Markinch, Fifeshire, has had such a cat for many years. He is considered a rarity, and has been exhibited as an interesting specimen of the feline race to not a few naturalists.

BIRMINGHAM SHOW WEEK Penny Illustrated Paper, 29th November 1873
A novelty is to be this year added to the Birmingham show week" in the shape of a cat show, the feline members of which may even be expected to put out of joint the noses of the fat porkers shown in our Engraving. At least 200 cats will, it is supposed, be on view, and the committee have engaged staff of female attendants to minister to their wants. A large supply of milk has been contracted for. and meat of the best quality is be provided, and therefore pet cats accustomed to indulge in lights and similar delicacies will have their weaknesses gratified. Persian, Angora, and Russian cats will be present, and the classes for peculiar cats promise many novelties. Rumour states that the hitherto champion tortoiseshell tom cat, winner at London, Glasgow, and Edinburgh, is to have his laurels challenged, another of these almost fabulous animals having been discovered living in modest retirement in Birmingham. A remarkable cat will be shown by a local exhibitor it is a magnificent Angora, weighing 17 lb., and of a rare colour slate, or what is termed blue, and white. This fine animal won at Northampton, beating the prize cats of the second London show. A curious history attaches to him, he is said to have belonged to Traupmann, the French murderer. After the execution, Bude passed into the hands of Traupmann s aunt, a well-known Parisian horse-dealer, who in turn, gave him to his present proprietor. Another Birmingham gentleman has also some singular cats from Vienna, which will probably be on show and for sale.

THE CAT SHOW The Birmingham Mail, 29th November 1873
The first Birmingham Cat Show has opened very successfully to-day. The entries amount to the goodly number of 287, and as a whole the animals exhibited are magnificent specimens of the feline race. The first Crystal Palace Show opened with a miserable of 62 so we may congratulate ourselves on a very successful: beginning. Next to the dog the cat is our favourite domestic pet. [. . .] One thing is certain, that the few cat shows already held have done much for poor puss, for a casual glance at the occupants of the Old Wharf shows us that we are in the presence of a colony of aristocratic Toms and Tabbies far above the ordinary run of hearth-rug occupants. The wooden building erected is both spacious, comfortable and well-lighted; the ceiling is tastefully decorated with coloured calicoes, and Mr Legg of Bradford Street, has supplied some excellent devices of flags and shields, which greatly adorn the walls. The refreshment department is under the care of Mr James Chaplin, of the Red Lion Hotel, Smallbrook Street: this gentleman is also the manager of the show and to his untiring energy it will owe its success.

Each cat has a large wire cage to itself; a zinc partition divides each cage, and they are the same that were used at the Crystal Palace. Each cat is supplied with a crimson cushion on which to repose with almost Eastern dignity; they have also have a bed of sand at the back of the pen wherein to scratch and disport themselves. White cats, black cats, Angora, Persian, Manx, Austrian, red tabby, silver tabby, tabby and white, long-haired, short-haired, he cats, she cats, and cats of sex: so the list runs. There are pens of pretty kittens, and family cages in which mama and her pretty little ones appear to great advantage. The show was busy last evening when the distinguished visitors arrived in shoals. A gaping crowd beset the gas-lit portals of the building and by many conveyances Pussy ' arrived. Railway vans deposited him - or her - in cage and basket, and marvellous indeed were some of the directions sent. A huge, sleepy, long-haired old Tom had this legend round his neck: Please take off the collar and chain he is quite harmless. So he was, for he tucked his forelegs under him and at once composed himself for a sleep on his comfortable cushion. Water no milk, is the caution sent with No 52, a very delicate and depressed looking beast. We are at loss to understand this eccentricity on the part of No 52, who, as a total abstainer from the cat s favourite and only beverage a sort of feline Good Templar, in fact should, we think, be entitled to a prize as a curiosity. Very many cats arrived in charge of their lady owners, and some very amusing and excited chases occurred when, as often happened, a refractory pet broke loose. It was in vain one that old lady assured an attendant that a beautiful black white Persian was very tame; so he might have been at home, but his Oriental blood fired at sight of the cages, and he came out of his basket a raging savage, who soon scratched himself out of his mistress s arms and fled to the roof from whence he was dislodged with difficulty. When safely housed he was still violently enraged, and clawed himself over his cage parrot fashion. We may add that this was the only refractory puss in the show. It is singular how quiet the cats are; they sit mostly doubled up on their cushions, gazing majestically on the strange scene around, with a don t-quite-understand-it look in their puzzled eyes. Here and faint mewings are heard and caged cats rub against the bars and whine and purr to be taken notice of. The kittens are all quite at home, and full of graceful antics. No 191, a handsome white Angora, rejoices in the possession of one pink and one blue eye. Miss Hales, daughter of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, has entered seven cats, but is only able to send four. The classes for cats of an unusual colour will be found remarkably interesting. The colours are curious and very quaint. There are many light fawns, and the peculiar grizzly black termed blue. The largest cats are, of course, the sexless ones. Many of the specimens exhibited are of enormous size and very docile and affectionate. All the cats are wonderfully clean and sleek, and suggest much soap and water.

Probably the long-haired animals will excite most attention, as they are a noble collection, but the short-haired classes should not be passed over. The most showy colours are tortoiseshell and white, of which variety there are many noble specimens. The silver tabby is a very pretty breed, and some kittens of this unusual colour are likely to be eagerly bought up. Among the cats of fame is Kiss, a curiously-marked beast, with symmetrical black spots on a white body, and a black tail. Kiss is a performing cat of beautiful temper; he has had the honour of appearing before many crowned heads, and has seen high life in many lands. He travels professionally with Mr. James Doughty s troupe of performing dogs, by whom he is much respected and beloved. Several extra prizes are offered in the working men s classes, which have filled well, and contain many beautiful creatures, Visitors must banish from their minds for ever the popular idea of that dirty, attenuated gutter-hunting animal, the poor man s cat, for here are stately cats, sleek an well to do, apparently, and whose condition tells of that feline Paradise, a comfortable home. Remembering that cat shows are a very recent institution, it is astonishing how quickly the public taste has been educated. There does not appear to be one really shabby that is the right word cat, at the Old Wharf. As dog shows improved the breeds ad developed the points of dogs, so cat shows will teach us what a good cat ought to be. We wonder, with a wonderment that will be general, how so many unusually excellent cats can in so short a space of time have been got together. The visitors to the Old Wharf will note to what hitherto undreamt-of perfection the feline race may be brought, and we doubt not that much enthusiasm will be aroused. Possibly cat fanciers may vie with dog fanciers in their searches after feline beauties. We shall watch with curiosity the list of sales, and venture t predict that a large business will be done. The domestic Tom and Tabby have attained a higher rank in public favour, and we may look for the production of a prize cat just as we are accustomed to be treated to the sight of a prize dog. Both are novelties of modern civilisation, and the cat is the more thoroughly domestic pet of the two, though less distinguished in variety.

Fifteen prizes have been awarded on the working men s classes, but the cats are not of great merit. A gentleman from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has present books to the unsuccessful exhibitors. Mr. G. Fryer takes first prize with a fine black and white specimen (No. 242). The second prize in Angoras (No. 160) has come all the way from the Isle of Wight. The show of black cats is very good. Unfortunately the best specimen (Mr. Hinks s) is disqualified as being entered in the wrong class. The cat of cats is certainly No. 191, a splendid all white long-haired Angora, shown by Mr. Sam Jones, of 44, George Road, Edgbaston. This beautiful creature takes first prize. Mrs. Hinks s wonderful cat once the property of Traupmann, the murder, (No. 184) takes second prize. The long-haired cats are the best variety. Cats of an unusual colour are a quaint class. The prizes go to two animals, both all white, with respectively black and tabby tails. No. 92 a large tabby Manx cat second prize, is a noble beast. No. 102 second prize, tortoiseshell and white class is a pretty mother, with a curious family of tortoiseshell kittens and three white ones. A large bottle labelled Old Tom occupies one vacant pen. In another appears that most terrible of all cats, the cat o nine tails, and a whimsical placard sets that it is of the genus cat; species garotters back-biter; bred and domesticated at Millbank Prison; price, 1,000.

The cats are not unusually heavy, the most weighty being 16 lbs., the second being 13 lbs 12 oz. The real tortoiseshells proper, as we predicted, are very dark in colour; black with dainty stripes is the best definition. No. 80, first prize white cat, is a great beauty. No. 125, second prize in the working men s class, was sent by its owner with a request that it might not be returned to him probably he will hold the now distinguished cat in veneration in future. No. 35, 1st prize red tabbies, is a noble beast this is an excellent class. No. 276, the heaviest long-haired cat, is a magnificent creature, with a head of leonine proportion. The prices put on the cats are very high, | 50., 20., and 5. 5s. are frequently demanded. Miss Hales has been successful in scoring prizes. A red tabby, No. 171, 1st prize is a very fine specimen. In silver tabbies the males are much finer than the she cats. The attendance to-day has been moderately good. No doubt the show will be extensively patronised when the show week fairly sets in and the [admission] prices are lowered. [Prize list same as in Birmingham Daily Post, 2nd December 1873]

During the night several cats managed to effect their escape from the premises of the show. The numbers of the cats, with the names of their exhibitors are 41, Ellen Hands (English, 18 months); 13, Mr. John??wey (English, 8 months); 2, Mr. G. Jess; 68, Messrs??cke and Son (English, 2 years). One cat escaped from its hamper before it could be penned this morning. No?? escaped twice. Neither of these cats have been recovered, although two of them are said to be somewhere underneath the building.

THE BIRMINGHAM DOG AND CAT SHOWS. London Daily News, 2nd December 1873
The Birmingham Cattle Show has reached its twenty- fifth anniversary. The Dog Show is in its fourteenth and the Cat Show appears in the midland metropolis for the first time. This combination of attractions had filled the town with strangers to a degree unknown, even at the Musical Festival, and the hotel- keepers are reaping a rich harvest. [. . .] The Cat Show is so great a novelty in Birmingham that the first exhibition of the kind has been very well attended since it was opened on Saturday forenoon. The show is perhaps not unusual in point of excellence compared with the Crystal Palace shows; but it is sufficiently interesting, end few visitors to the other shows pass it over. The arrangements adopted in London have been followed out here. Great amusement has been caused by several of the cats escaping from their cages, and affording the excitement of a cat-hunt. The show is likely to be successful in every respect.

THE CAT SHOW Birmingham Daily Post, 2nd December 1873

A cat may look at a king, and kings and subjects are now invited to look at cats. Only a few years ago the first cat show opened at the Crystal Palace with some sixty specimens; but the popularity increased and now. With very little trouble or flourish of trumpets, a commodious building at Broad Street Corner contains nearly three hundred cats of all sorts, sizes ages, and weights, from all corners of the land. The proposal seems to have originated with Mr. James Chaplin, and as a general manager he deserves the thanks of thousands for a most original and unusual treat. The building is so well arranged that everybody can see everything well. The wire cages have been supplied by Mr. George Billet, of Southampton, and are ingeniously arranged, not only for show, but for packing also; five squares of wire lattice and two pieces of zinc sheeting form the walls, and these when not in use can be compactly stowed away. At the front of each cage is a crimson ottoman, on which King Tom or Queen Puss repose in dignity and peace. Behind is a sort of sand-bath where the favourite occupation of scratching can be accomplished in peace. A basin of milk and any quantity of lights give all the creature comforts required. The cages are light, neat, airy, and above all, give every cat an opportunity of seeing and being seen well. A large staff of girl attendants, all seeming femininely interested is looking after the favourites, and all ready to give any information asked for, are scattered about the building, and every attention is thus secured.

Two hundred and eighty-six cats are in the catalogue, and nearly all are there; but some accident has prevented the arrival of some of the favourites from Miss Hales, of Canterbury, whose taste and judgment and care and liberality have so greatly contributed to the success of the show. The cats are arranged under sixty-three classes, each of which has some special interest and some special prizes. Twenty-five are for Short-haired Cats, the first male Tortoise-shell not having arrived from London. Among the more remarkable cats exhibited are what may be called an Alliance Cat (52), for this extraordinary abstainer has been marked on the cage Water, not milk, and it is clear that this cat has been carefully weaned, and would doubtless be safe even with the run of the dairy. Another is a mendicant cat (142), whose little feats of training are devoted to a box in front of the cage, for the Little Sisters of the Poor; a very pretty domestic group of mother and family (102), with three charming white kittens, and one which takes after the mother, whose devotion to her offspring is unceasing. Another very pretty sight is two kittens, in adjoining cages, who can only see each other s paws, cuffing and clawing at each other in the drollest kittenly style; another is a very pretty Maltese cat (135), of a remarkably soft an silky coat of curious ashy-slaty-grey colour, and deservedly First Prize; another three pens of kittens (145, 146, 147) all under three months old.

The Angora cat Selim, (157), from Miss Hales, and Rustam, from the same lady, well deserve the place of first and second prize, for the remarkable beauty of their forms and colour. Amongst the Pure White cats Miss Hales sends Rhoda (161), which takes only third prize, although awarded first prizes before; while her Zuleika takes first prizeprizes before; while her Zuleika takes first prize, and a small but pretty cat (?93) is commended, and marked not for sale, being evidently greatly prized at home. A Tabby (164) has a sad history, the mother having been eaten during the siege of Paris, and this French cat being a good specimen of French, although not taking any prizes. The specimen called Moon is a very remarkable cat, a second prize taker. The name seems to have been taken from the half-moon marking of the face and the peculiarity of the history being that the cat once belonged to Traupmann the wholesale and brutal murder.

The very largest cat exhibited, so far as size and colour and form are concerned, is the splendid Angora (191) exhibited by Mr. S. ?James a splendid animal in every way. The heaviest Short-haired cat is a splendid tabby (205), weighing 17lbs, and very well winning the first prize; while another (220) which takes the second prize, is more solid and perfect in form, but weighs only 13lbs 12oz. A very handsome Manx cat (237) and a fine Persian cat (231) are well worth examination.

Among the prizes given to working men s cats, a charming young cat, beautifully black and daintily white, as playful as a kitten of three months, although he is seven months old is (242), and he has well won first prize. One of the curiosities (125) was sent simply to get an exhibitor s ticket of admission, and with a request that the cat might not be returned, but as the cat has taken a prize, and has also been sold, the proprietor probably regrets his precipitancy. Among the humours of the exhibition are two cages one containing a huge champagne bottle, marked Old Tom, and another containing A Car-o-nine-tails, with a facetious inscription.

Among nearly 300 specimens it is, of course, impossible to do justice even to the best, but nearly all deserve careful examination, for the cats are of all kinds and colours, ages, and weights. Some are tame and gentle, peaceful and contented, some look wild and indignant at being caged so close, some are morose, some are playful, some shy, some confiding, but all are well housed, well cared for, and well fed. A wholesome lesson will be learned by all who visit the Show children and parents alike that poor puss has too often been neglected and maligned, and that our hearth-rug pets will rep[ay the care and kindness which have been bestowed upon these strange and graceful creatures, which form so wonderful a link between ?domesticated and savage life.

The Judges were Mr. George Billet, naturalist, Southampton; Mr. P.H. Jones, Fulham, London; Mr. Harry Castang, London. The following is the prize list.

Class 1: Tortoiseshell, no entries.
Class 2: Tortoiseshell and White 1st, Mr. John Harry, North Heigham, Norwich; 2nd, Mr. James Beecroft, 107, Dublesten Mill Road.
Class 3: Brown Tabby 1st, Mr. Thomas Weightman; 2nd, Miss Edith Stone, Hill Street; 3rd, Mr. John Newey, Marborne; Commended, Mr. Thomas Joyner, 21, Smallbrook Street.
Class 4: Blue or Silver Tabby 1st, Mr. graham Ellis, 24 Cornhill, London; 2nd, Mr. William pothard, 223, Bristol Street; 3rd, Mrs. Mayo, 32, Severn Street.
Class 5: Red Tabby 1st, Mrs. Bull, 14 Essex Street.
Class 6: Red Tabby and White 1st, Mr. Thos. Engle, Meade, Bull Ring.
Class 7: Spotted Tabby 1st, Mrs. F. Harrison, Sherborne Street; 2nd, Mr. F. Schweiss, 17, Worcester Street;, 3rd, Mr. Charles Harris, Bordesley.
Class 8: Black and White 1st, Miss. Ferguson, Upper Norwood; 2nd, Miss Elizabeth Ann Sterrer, 15, Liverpool Street; 3rd, Miss. H. Tyler, 144 [street not given!], Islington.
Class 9: Black 1st, Mr. Schweiss, Worcester Street; 2nd, Mrs. Samuel Issett, 322, Cheapside; 3rd, Mr. William Clarke, 34, Constitution Hill.
Class 10: White 1st, Miss Adams, 61, broad Street; 2nd, Miss Johnstone, 2, lee Mount; 3rd, Miss Annie ?Inshaw.
Class 11: Unusual Colour 1st, Mr. J. Pillings, Deriford; 2nd, Mr. Anthony Browne, 51, Holloway Head.
Class 12: Any other colour, or variety of colour, or singular type of species, Manx etc 1st, mr. James Wild, 9, Bennett s Hill; 2nd, Mr. George Cash, 37, Bull Street; 3rd, Mrs. Mary Baker, Sydenham.

Class 13; Tortoiseshell 1st, Mr. E. Horner, Leeds; 2nd, Mrs. Walter Wood, 64, Broad Street; 3rd, Mr. William N. Phipson, Soho Hill.
Class 14: Tortoiseshell and White 1st, Miss Isabel Quincey, Perry Barr; 2nd, Mrs. Ed. Wilmot, Lee Hall, Handsworth; 3rd, Mrs. Henry Feaviour, Sherborne Street; Commended, Mrs. Mary Fellows, Gough Street; the Misses M.H. and A. Weir, Holloway Head; Mr. C.O. Jury, Aston; and Mr. Thomas Richards, Great Barr.
Class 15: Brown Tabby 1st, Mrs. Mobley, Dale End; 2nd, Mr. John Geosup, Melton Mowbray.
Class 16: Blue of Silver tabby 1st; Mrs. Gam, Compton Street, Aston; 2nd and 3rd, Mr. George Holdcroft, Lichfield.
Class 17: Red Tabby 1st, Mrs. W.J. Nichols, Fetter Lane, ?Laplott.
Class 18: Red Tabby and White No entry for this class.
Class 19: Spotted Tabby 1st, Mr. William Taylor, Sparkbrook; 2nd, Mr. H. Weintz, Small Heath.
Class 20: Black and White 1st, Mr. O.W. Long???, ?? Street; 2nd, mr. C.W. Chase, jun., Yew Tree Road; 3rd, Mr. George Stevens, Deriford.
Class 21: White 1st, Mr. F. Schweiss, 2nd, Mr Milton, ?? Meeting Street; 3rd, miss E. Banfield, ?? Place, Handsworth.
Class 22: Unusual Colour 1st, Mr. S. Lawrence, handsworth; 2nd, Mr. N.J. Rainbow, Banbury.
Class 23: Any other variety or abnormal formation 1st, Miss. Agnes Timhouse, 181, Cheapside; 2nd, Mr. ??Brian, White Lion, Ingbeth; 3rd, Mr. W. Black, ??, Coventry.
Class 24: For the two best marked Kittens, any variety, under 3 months old 1st, Mr. Edward Robberts; 2nd, ??, Icknield Street West.

Class 25: Pure White 1st, Mr. Arthur Babb, Cherry ??.
Class 26: Black 1st, Miss Boville, Southsea.
Class 27: Tabby 1st, Miss Sprague; 2nd, Mr. John ??, Joer Street; 2nd, Mr. Alfred Wilkinson, North ??
Class 28: Unusual Colour 1st and 2nd, Miss Hales, Canterbury.

Class 30: Pure White 1st and 3rd, Miss Hales, 2nd Mr. H. Maynard, Ryde, Isle of Wight; commended ??, Hockley Hill.
Class 31: Black No entry.
Class 32: Tabby 1st, Mr. C. Hutchins, Bristol Street; 2nd, Mrs. Falconbridge, 8, Lower Essex Street.
Class 33: Red Tabby 1st, Mrs. A.C. Organ, Toddington; 2nd Miss Manning, Erdlington; 3rd Mrs. Falconbridge.
Class 34: Unusual Colour 1st and 2nd, Miss Hales, Canterbury; 3rd, Miss L. Whitehouse, Knowle.
Class 35: For the two best Long-haired Kittens under 3 months old 1st, Mr. J.M. Jaffray, jun., Edgbaston.
Class 36: For the best Angora or Persian Cat, male or female, in the show:- 1st, Mr. Sam Jones, 44, George Road, Edgbaston; also 1st extra for the best long-haired cat in the sho; 2nd, Mrs. E. hinks, 53 Worcester Street; 3rd, Mrs. A. Adderley, Huntingdon; commended, Mr. H.S. Woodall (Netherton) and Miss Thornilow (Edgbaston).

Class 37: For the heaviest Short-haired Cat:- 1st, Mr. James Thorn, Broad Street; 2nd, Mrs. J. Binns, Brookfields; 3rd, Mr. W. Gregory, 210, Bristol Street.
Class 38: For the heaviest Short-haired Cat:- 1st, Mr. Thomas Barber, 176, Great Lister Street; 2nd, Mr. Joseph Staniforth, Spring Hill.
Class 39: For the heaviest Short-haired Cat:- 1st, Mr. Frank Davenport, Gravelly Hill; 2nd, Mrs. H.C. organ, Toddington; 3rd, mr. George Ward, back 38D, Broad Street; Commended: Mr. John Ellis, 24 Fleet Street; Mr. Harry Ridgway, Upper Cox Street; Miss Fry; Mr. John Wilkins, Barton-on-Trent; Mr. John Dyke, Ingleby Street; miss C.S.M. Lister, Holloway Head; Miss M.A. Wilson, Navigation Street; and Mr. Fred. Price, Handsworth.
Class 41: For the heaviest Long-haired Cat, black, black-and-white :- 1st, Mr. T. Weightman.
Class 43: For the heaviest Long-haired Cat:- 1st, G. Bennett, Pershore Road.
Class 44: For the heaviest Long-haired Cat, unusual colour Mrs. Adderly, Huntingdon.

Class 46: For the best Black and White (he) Cat 1st, Mr. George Fryer, Cox Street, Balsall Heath; 2nd, Mr. J. Bullock, 277, Icknield Street West.
Class 47: For the best Tabby and White (he) Cat 1st, Mr. C. Robotham, New Irving Street.
Class 48: For the best White (she) Cat 1st, Mrs. M.A. Crosby, Bellbarn Road.
Class 49: For the best Short-haired Black Cat 1st, Mr. Henry Anthony, Wrexham; Commended, Mr. Thomas Burton, Warwick.
Class 50: For the best Litter of Short-haired Kittens, any colour 1st, Mrs. William Rutherford, back 85, Unett Street.

Class 51: For the heaviest Short-haired Cat 1st, Mr. Henry Lees, West Bromwich; 2nd, Mr. Hoseph Barrel; Commended, Mr. William Adams, Sheldon, and Mr. Richard Bray, 5, Latimer Street.
Class 52: For the heaviest Long-haired Cat:- 1st, Mr. John Curtis, Bedford.
Class 54: Short-haired He Cats 1st, Mr. Merton, Acton.

Class 57: Spotted Tabby 1st, Mr. John Lambeth, 43 Graham Street, 2nd, Mr. Alfred Potter, Upper Cox Street.

Class 63: Spotted Tabby 1st and 2nd, Mr. Robert Brown, Spring Hill.

In the classes omitted, no prizes were awarded.

CAT SHOW AT BIRMINGHAM Bristol Times and Mirror, 3rd December 1873
With the show of cattle, sheep, roots, and dogs in the Midland metropolis, must in future be ranked a show of cats. The first exhibition of the kind took place on Saturday, and was, for the first, a success. The Birmingham Gazette says:- For an experiment, the show has proved wonderfully successful, and great credit is due to the enterprising gentleman who first conceived the project. The list of patrons numbers in it many influential names, including her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland, Lord and Lady Lyttleton, Lady Mildred Beresford Hope, the Hon Lady Cust, Sir Charles Clifford, Mrs S C Hall, Mr P H Muntz, MP, Mr T Lea, MP, Mr C Darwin, FRZ, &c. The committee at the outset offered a large number of prizes of liberal amounts, rendering it worth while for owners to go to the trouble of preparing their cats for exhibition. The schedule was divided into the classes approved at Sydenham. The whole were divided into two large classes of short-haired and long-haired cats, and there were prizes for tortoiseshell cats, tortoiseshell and white cats, brown tabbies, blue and silver tabbies, red tabby and white, spotted tabbies, black and white cats, black cats, white cats, cats of unusual colour, Manx cats, Angora, Persian, and Austrian cats. He cats, she cats, and cats of no sex were the three distinguishing terms. The entries numbered in all 284, but upwards of 30, it is understood, were received late. For a first show this is a wonderful number. Visitors came from great distances to view the exhibition, and for a first show in any town it was pronounced on all hands the grandest collection of cats ever brought together. The only drawback in connection with the show was want of experience of the exhibitors in describing their cats. Nearly a quarter of the cats on view, it is stated, are entered in the wrong classes, many prizes have thus been lost, and much disappointment caused to the owners.

Of the various classes, the brown tabbies many be said to be the best in the show, the prize-winners being as nearly perfect specimens as it is possible to obtain. Mr Hinks s Jack, No. 70 in the catalogue a black, and one of the finest cats in the show was very generally admired, and some surprise was created that no prize fell to its share, but it was wrongly described, unfortunately for the owner. In the classes for cats of unusual colour, some remarkable curiosities are shown. A Maltese cat, wight months old, exhibited by Mr S Lawrence, is strikingly pretty, the colour being wholly blue. The long-haired cats are a first class collection, and many celebrated cats, winners of prizes at the Crystal Palace and other shows, are included in them. Miss Hale s Rhoda, 3-and-a-half years old, which is here awarded third prize, carried off first honours at the Crystal Palace, but a rather remarkably fine cat, shown by the first lady, secures first, so there is nothing to be surprised at in the decision. The cat in question, 162 in the catalogue, and named Zuleika, is an importation from Smyrna.

Blacks and whites are a rather uneven show, for while some of the exhibits are remarkably good, others are inferior. Greater attention is required to regularity of marking, the one to be found in many cases being too great a proportion of white to the black. For the information of the uninitiated it many be well to state that the orthodox marking of black and white is a white base on the face, a white breast, or shirt, as it is technically called, and four white feet. These are all the marks that tried judges look for. The first prize tortoiseshell and white tom is a stately specimen, and won a first prize at the Crystal Palace. 58, a fine animal, is disqualified. The gem of the whole show, however, is a long -haired white cat (191) aged seven years, the property of Mr Sam Jones, which not only takes first prize in its class, but the extra prize for the best long-haired cat in the show. It is one of the finest specimens of the white Angora or Persian cat that has ever been exhibited. The competition for the extra prize alluded to resolved itself into a match between Mr Jones s cat and No. 137, belonging to Miss Hales, but the popular verdict, we think, will confirm the decision of the judges. Miss Hales shows some very fine long-haired white tortoiseshell cats which attract much attention. One of the greatest rarities among cats next to a tortoiseshell tom is a red tabby female. No. 122 is a specimen in point. It is said there are not more than half a dozen of these coloured female cats in the kingdom. No. 122 took a prize at the last Crystal Palace Show. No. 118, a silver tabby, shown by Mrs. Gem, is marked evenly and very pretty. A kitten in the cage numbered 121 will be a very fine silver tabby when full grown. The Manx cats in the show are worthy representatives, while No. 87 in the catalogue is a great curiosity. The body of the cat is a complete white, the tail being a jet black.

It may be added that the greatest care and attention is paid to cleanliness, and the comfort of the domestic pets is guaranteed by a staff of young women engaged for the purpose.

NATIONAL CAT SHOW AT BIRMINGHAM. The Queen, 6th December 1873
The above show has proved a most unequivocal success. The collection of cats, both for quantity and quality, far surpassed any other first show we have seen. The first cat show we have any cognisance of was held in connection with the Dublin Poultry and Pigeon Exhibition in the Dublin Exhibition Palace about six years ago. There were then about thirty entries. Next came the Crystal Palace first show, with its sixty entries and 20,000 visitors. Since that time cat shows have been organised with varied success in several towns; but the Crystal Palace has in this, as in other things, kept the supremacy and in all its arrangements and details is not likely to bet surpassed. The Birmingham show is under the management of a most excellent working committee, composed of gentlemen of good standing and high position in the town; and it is but fair to say that, for general information as to arrangements and management, they are much indebted to the kindness and liberal feeling of J. Wilkinson, Esq., and Mr Wilson of the Crystal Palace, who have most ungrudgingly afforded them all the assistance and advice in their power to help the show to a successful issue, and the fact that the entries amount to close on 300 is a proof that the knowledge thus gained was well applied.

The show was held in a temporary building erected for the purposed in a most excellent situation, midway between the Bingley and Curzon Halls, and was visited on Saturday during the judging by a large number of visitors, who paid 5s. for the privilege; and it was amusing to watch the faces of several ladies who had for the first time submitted their pets to the judges hands; many of them, alas! only to be hopelessly disappointed - as, in consequence of a want of knowledge on the part of exhibitors, and a more clear definition of the requirements of certain classes in the schedule, a very large proportion of the cats were entered in wrong classes, and consequently had no chance of obtaining the favourable notice of the judges. Indeed, we venture to suggest to committees that it would be well to find some other description for what are at present called cats of no sex. By so doing a great amount of confusions would be avoided.

Amongst the Short-haired cats Tortoiseshell Toms were conspicuous by their absence, though it was rumoured that two were to put in an appearance. Tortoiseshell and white had six entries, most of them good specimens, the first prize going to a cat which on two previous occasions had been first at the Crystal Palace. Brown Tabbies were well represented, all the prizes being taken by very clearly and well-marked animals. The class for blue or silver Tabbies also contained some good animals; but in this class were several cats of wrong colour and markings, as well as others which should have been entered in the class for heaviest cats. The classes for black and black and white he cats were well filled, but only a sufficient number to take the prizes could be found which were qualified, all the others being wrongly entered. One or two very pretty blue Russian cats were shown fin the class for unusual colour. The tortoiseshell and white she cats formed the best class in the show, some of them being very brilliant in colour, with great regularity of markings. The classes for cats of unusual formation contained no novelties, they were principally Manx, with a few of the five or six clawed varieties.

In the division for long-haired cats, were some excellent specimens. Miss Hales showed some beautiful white and tortoiseshell and whites, taking first whites with an imported cat, and third in same colour with one which took medal at the last Crystal Palace Show; but the gem of the collection was a white Persian female, shown by Mr Sam Jones, of Edgbaston, which for quality and abundance of coat surpassed anything the judges had seen; indeed, this cat was the great centre of attraction in the show. The classes for heaviest cats were well filled, some very noble specimens being exhibited, the heaviest weight attained being closeon 18 lb.; 15 lb. and 16 lb. being comparatively common. Working men s cats were well represented, and there is no doubt these shows have done much good in this direction.

The influx of visitors on Monday was so great that on three occasions during the day the committee found it necessary to close the doors for periods of half an hour, to enable those who had obtained admission to circulate and thin a little before admitting any more, and the Birmingham Show bids fair to rival in popularity the cattle, poultry, and dog shows. The show was under the management of Mr Chaplin, who was most vigorous and energetic in his efforts, and was ably backed by 'the secretary and members of committee. The requirements of the cats were attended to by a staff of buxom damsels neatly dressed and wearing distinguishing rosettes; and on the whole the committee may be congratulated on the success of their endeavours, and we would give them a friendly warning to provide a larger building for the next occasion. The judges were Mr P. H. Jones of Fulham, Mr Castang, jun., and Mr Billett of Southampton.

TORTOISESHELL. No entries in this class.
TORTOISESHELL AND WHITE. 1st, J. Hurry; 2nd, J. Beecroft.
BROWN TABBY. 1st, T. Weightman; 2nd, Miss E. Stone: 3rd, J. Newey. Com., T. Higgins and T. Joyner.
BLUE OR SILVER TABBY. 1st, G. Ellis; 2nd, W. Pethard; 3rd, Mrs Mayo.
RED TABBY. 1st, Mrs Bull.
RED TABBY AND WHITE. - 1st, T. Eagle.
SPOTTED TABBY. - 1st, Mrs E. Harrison; 2nd, F. Schweiss; 3rd, C. Harris.
BLACK AND WHITE. - 1st, Miss Ferguson; 2nd, Miss E. A. Storrer; 3rd, Miss H. Tyler.
BLACK. - 1st, Schweiss; 2nd, Mrs S. Issett; 3rd, W. Clarke.
WHITE. - 1st, Miss Adams; 2nd, Miss Johnstone; 3rd, Miss A. Inshaw.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. 1st, J. Pillings; 2nd, A. Browne.
ANY OTHER VARIETY. 1st, J. Child (Manx); 2nd, G. Cash (Manx); 3rd, Mrs M. Baker (Manx).

TORTOISESHELL. 1st, E. Homer; 2nd, Mrs W. Wood; 3rd, W.M. Phipson.
TORTOISESHELL AND WHITE. 1st, Miss L. Quinsey; 2nd, Mrs E. Wilmot; 3rd, Mrs H. Feaviour; 3rd, Miss M.H. and A. Weir. High com., Mrs M. Fallows, T. Jones and J. Reed. Com., C. O. Terry and T. Richards.
BROWN TABBY. 1st, Mrs Mobley; 2nd, J. Geeson.
BLUE OR SILVER TABBY. - 1st, Mrs Gem; 2nd and 3rd, G. Holdcroft.
RED TABBY. 1st, Mrs W. J. Nichols.
RED TABBY AND WHITE. - No entries for this class.
SPOTTED TABBY. - 1st, W. Taylor; 2nd, H. Wientz.
BLACK AND WHITE. 1st, O.W. Longmore; 2nd, C. W.Chase, jun.; 3rd, G. Stevens.
BLACK. 1st, T.W. Bott.
WHITE. 1st, F. Schweiss; 2nd, Mitton; 3rd, Miss E. Banfield.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. - 1st, S. Lawrence; 2nd, A. J. Rainbow.
ANY OTHER VARIETY. 1at, Miss A. Toulouse; 2nd, E. Roberts (Manx); 3rd, W. Birch (Manx)
KITTENS (ANY VARIETY). - 1st, E. Roberts; 2nd, Mrs Bott.

PURE WHITE. - 1st, A. Babb.
BLACK. -1st,2 Miss Boville.
TABBY. - 2nd, Miss Sprague; 2nd, J. Collett; 3rd, A. Wilkinsen.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. - 1st and 2nd, Miss Hales.

WHITE. - 1st, Miss Hales; 2nd, H. M. Maynard; 3rd, Miss Hales. Com., Mrs F. Rose.
BLACK. - No entries in this class.
TABBY. 1st,C. Hutchins; 2nd, Mrs E. Reynolds; 3rd, Mrs Falconbridge.
RED TABBY. - 1st. Mrs A. C. Organ; 2nd, Miss Manning; 3rd, Mrs Falconbridge.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. - 1st and 2nd, Miss Hales; 3rd, Miss L. Whitehouse.
BEST ANGORA OR PERSIAN CAT, MALE OR FEMALE. 1st and extra special prize for best long-haired cat in the show. 1st, S. Jones; 2nd, Mrs E. Hinks; 3rd, Mrs A. Adderley. High com., Miss Thornilove. Com., H. S. Woodall and H. Kettle.

BLACK, BLACK AND WHITE. - 1st, J. Thorn; 2nd, Mrs J. Binns.
WHITE. - 1st, T. Barber; 2nd, J. Staniforth.
TABBY. - 1lst, F. Davenport; 2nd, Mrs H. C. Organ; 3rd, G. Ward. High com., H. Ridgway, J. Wilkins, and Mrs Cheshire. Com., J. Ellis, Miss Fry, J. Dyke, H. Lees, Miss C. S. M. Littler, and Miss M.A. WiIson.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. No award; all wrongly entered.
BLACK, BLACK AND WHITE. - 1st, T. Weightman.
WHITE. - No award.
TABBY. - 1st, G. Bennett.
UNUSUAL COLOUR. 1st, Mrs A. Adderley.
WILD OR HYBRlD. - No award, all wrongly described.

BLACK AND WHITE. MALE. - 1st, G. Fryer.
TABBY AND WHITE. MALE. 1st, C.. Robotham.
WHITE. FEMALE. - 1st, Mrs M. A. Crosby.
SHORT-HAIRED BLACK. 1st, H. Anthony, High com., T. Burton.
CATS OF NO SEX. - HEAVIEST SHORT-HAIRED. - 1st, H. Lees; 2nd, J. Barrel; 3rd, R. Bray. High com,, W. Adams. Com., H. Greenway.
SELLING CLASS. - No award.
SHORT-HAIRED. - MALES. 1st, Merton.
SPOTTED TABBY. - MALE. 1st, J. Lambeth; 2nd, A. Potter.
SPOTTED TABBY. FEMALE. 1st and 2nd, R. Brown.

CAT SHOW AT BIRMINGHAM . Lancaster Gazette, 6th December 1873
The first Birmingham cat show was also opened on Saturday, the entries numbering 287. As a whole, the animals exhibited are magnificent specimens of the feline race. White cats, black cats, Angora, Persian, Manx, Austrian, red tabby, silver tabby, tabby and white, long-haired, short-haired, he cats, she cats, and cats of no sex ; so the list runs. There were many pens of pretty kittens, and family cages, in which mamma and her pretty little ones appeared to great advantage. The only refractory cat was a Persian, which strongly objected to being put into a cage, even though it had a crimson cushion, and it was only captured after a chase on the roof. As a rule, the cats were very quiet, and sat mostly doubled up on their cushions gazing majestically on the scene around. During Friday several of the cats made their escape, and have not yet been recovered. The show was very largely patronised by visitors.

THE CAT SHOW. Staffordshire Advertiser, 6th December 1873
This was a novel feature in the Birmingham programme. Prizes were offered for long-haired cats and short-haired cats, the classes being divided according to colour. There were special prizes for working men s cats. Being something new, this show attracted a large attendance. It was held in a temporary building not far from the Dog Show. The premises being small and the means of ingress and egress limited, there was a fearful crush. Having been carried along one side the show by the crowd and nearly crushed to death we, with some difficulty, we made our escape at the other end without seeing much of the cats; but we believe there were some fine specimens exhibited, but the smell well it was not pleasant.

Birmingham Cattle and Dog Shows.- The 25th Birmingham and Midland Counties Exhibition
THE CAT SHOW. The feline race now participates in the honours long accorded to the other animals which naturalists distinguish as peculiarly the friends and servants of man. The period is come when the cat is to have its day as well as the dog, and, for an experiment, the show has proved wonderfully successful. The entries numbered in all 284. The greatest care and attention was paid to cleanliness, and the comfort of the domestic pets was guaranteed by a staff of young women engaged for the purpose.-Mr. A. J. Rainbow, of Banbury, was awarded the prize for cat of unusual colour.

CAT SHOW AT BIRMINGHAM. Bristol Mercury, 6th December 1873
The latest addition to the winter shows for which Birmingham has obtained such a wide-spread reputation is a "National Cat Show," and the exhibition was opened, for the first time, on Saturday in a temporary building erected on the Old Wharf, Broad-street Corner. Judging from the great interest the novel character of the exhibition has excited, there is every prospect of this new aspirant to popular favour becoming one of the permanent institutions of the town. The show made a very successful beginning, for there were no less than 284 entries, and that number would have been increased by 80 had not the intending exhibitors failed to notify their intention to compete until it was too late for the entries to be accepted. At the last show at the Crystal Palace there were 285 entries, so that so far as numbers are concerned the Birmingham exhibition is on an equality with its metropolitan rival.

The building in which the exhibition was held was well lighted, nicely warmed, and capitally ventilated, and everything had been done to secure the comfort of the "pussies" during their temporary residence in the structure. Each specimen of the feline race occupied a roomy wire cage, divided from the next cage by a sheet of zinc, and the cages were the same as those used at the Crystal Palace. Each cage was furnished with a crimson e cushion on which pussy could recline, and at the back is a bed of sand in which the inmate could disport itself, if so disposed. The feline pets were provided with a plenty of milk and meat, and their wants were attended to by a bevy of young women, who had been engaged for the occasion.

The cats were sent to the exhibition building on Friday evening, and in transferring them from the hampers and boxes in which they arrived to their temporary homes some amusing scenes occurred. Some pussies were indignant, and spat and scratched and protested most vehemently, in the most emphatic cat language, against being put into their cages, while others managed to escape from the attendants, and gave rise to an exciting chase before they could be recaptured. One or two of the animals succeeded in getting away entirely. The exhibition was of a most interesting and unique character, and a more novel spectacle than row after row of cages of with cats of various colours and various nationalities can hardly be imagined. The pussies were marvels of cleanliness, and their sleek coats and comfortable well-to-do appearance bore witness to the care with which they were attended to by their owners. Considering the strangeness of their surroundings and the unwonted circumstances in which they were placed, the cats were remarkably quiet, though some of them did occasionally give vent to their feelings by piteously mewing. Most of them liked to be taken notice of, and cane readily to the front of the cage to be fondled. Others were very sulky and were just as likely as not to return a scratch for a caress.

It had been fondly hoped that the show would number amongst its "pussies" a male tortoise-shell cat:, but in this the committee were disappointed, there being no entries in that class: so that in one respect, at all events, the Crystal Palace has the advantage over the Birmingham exhibition, a male tortoise-shell cat having been exhibited there on several occasions. Still the Birmingham show had its celebrity in a cat called "Moon," the property of Mrs. E Hicks, of Worcester-street, Birmingham. "Moon" is a pussy of immense size, with his fur of a blue - or, rather, slate - colour, diversified by patches of white. It was not only his peculiar colour that recommended him to public notice, but he had a further claim to attention on account of his connexion with the murderer Tropmann, he having been once the property of the French assassin. His owner apparently set no small store by him, for his selling price was set down at 10,000.

There were cats of all kinds and colours in the show - tortoiseshells, brown tabbies, blue or silver tabbies, red tabbies, red and white tabbies, spotted tabbies, black cats, white cats, English cats, Persian cats, and Manx cats, were all to I he seen in the show. Perhaps as interesting a class as any, was that for cats of an unusual colour. One pussy rejoiced in a white body with a black tail; another had a white body with a tabby tail; and a third, a Maltese, was of a mouse colour. In the classes for cats of abnormal formation one of the feline pets had eight claws on one foot, seven on another, and the proper complement on the remaining feet. Manx cats were numerous, and very peculiar they looked, destitute as they are of the slightest vestige of a tail. Blue and white cats are not as uncommon as one would fancy, for there were several specimens on view. The Persian, black, black and white, and other varieties of the feline race were all worthy of attention.

Of course the temptation to play upon the word cat was irresistible, and one pen was occupied with a bottle labelled " Old Tom," and another contained a cat-o' nine tails, affixed to it being a placard inscribed " Curious specimen, genre cat; species garrotters' backbiter; price 1000 guineas. Bred and domesticated at Milbank prison. Most of the exhibitors resided in Birmingham and the locality, but some of the cats had been sent from long distances, but we did not meet with any specimens from Bristol and the neighourhood. Perhaps our fellow citizens are reserving themselves until a cat show is held here. An exhibition of the kind in Bristol would be sure to take well with the public, and would, we think, be a financial success. We learn from the Birmingham papers that the show has proved almost unprecedentedly attractive. On Tuesday the entrance doors were besieged by visitors. Some hundreds of people had to be turned away, and it was found necessary to close the doors about fifty times to prevent overcrowding. The receipt's at the doors amounted to 270 0s, 6d., and, in addition, 6500 persons were admitted by ticket.


birmingham cat show

POULTRY, PIGEON, CANARY AND CAT SHOW AT DIPTON Consett Guardian, 26th April 1873
On Saturday last, this annual exhibition took place in the specious shed at the rear of the Sportsman s Arms, Dipton [. . .] The cats, a new feature of the show, were not numerous but select, and received a good deal of attention from the female portion of the visitors.
Tortoise-Shell, king or queen 1st, 5s., P Sharpe; 2nd, 2s. 6d., P Sharp.
Any variety or colour 1st, 5s., J Irwin; 2nd, 2s. 6d., J Mattison; 3rd, Priest Popple, Hexham.

This long awaited event, which was got up principally amongst the working gardeners and others, took place on Wednesday last, in a field belonging to D. B. Clark, Middle-street. [. . .] The cat show was new feature, for which there were 9 entries, and great amount of interest seemed to be taken in poor pussy.

HORTICULTURAL SHOW AT WARGRAVE Berkshire Chronicle, 2nd August 1873
On Thursday, the 24th ult., at Scarletts, the delightful seat of Mr. Littledale, was held a social gathering, consisting of the nobility and gentry of the surrounding neighbourhood. There was a horticultural show [. . .] A cat show also took place, when upwards of forty cats were exhibited. They were most judiciously arranged according to beauty, size, and colour. Wargrave Tom, a scarlet beauty, was the most conspicuous, and was greatly admired. Several weighed from twelve to fifteen pounds. Prizes were given for the best cats. About two hundred of the neighbouring ladies and gentlemen were present, and the large attendance gave great encouragement to the more humble competitors.

The annual Show of the above will be held at Paddock, on Saturday, August 16th, 1873.

BIRSTALL FLORAL, HORTICULTURAL, AND DOG SHOW. Dewsbury Chronicle and West Riding Advertiser, 9th August 1873
[. . .] the annual exhibition of the Birstall Agricultural, Horticultural, and Floral Society, was a great success. Added to the ordinary display, the committee very wisely promote a dog show, and besides this several prizes were offered for cats, a feature of the exhibition that proved very attractive. [. . .] The cat show proved a novel feature of the show, and pussy" came in for a good share of observation. The specimens penned were not numerous but they were good ones; the best being the chintz and tortoise shell breeds. [Results not given for cat section of show.

HOLMFIRTH HORTICULTURAL, PIG, AND POULTRY SHOW. Huddersfield Chronicle, 25th August 1873
The third annual out-door exhibition of the Holmfirth Horticultural, Pig, Poultry, Dog, and Cat Show was held on Saturday, in the cricket-field, below the railway station. [. . .] A farther attraction was the fact of the committee adding to their schedule prizes for cats, and a large number of persons went for the express purpose of inspecting these, as well as the rabbits. [. . .] The cats were a great attraction of which there were only five pens, but the most attractive one was that of H. Stansfield, possessing a fine tiger-striped and beautiful tabby, with five playful kittens, all beautifully striped, but it did not obtain a prize, being out of condition.
CATS. Any variety, any breed, 1st and 2nd, Tom Stephenson, Spring-buildings ; commended, Henry Stansfield, Back- lane.

KEIGHLEY AGRICULTURAL SHOW. York Herald, 30th August 1873
On Friday and Saturday the thirty-first annual show took place at Keighley. [. . .] Extending over two days, Friday s programme included the purely agricultural portion of the display, whilst Saturday was set apart for the dog show, the cat show [. . .]

[KEMPSFORD] CAT SHOW The North Wilts Herald, 13th October 1873
An exhibition of the domestic cats of the above and neighbouring villages was held in the Close Lodge, on Wednesday, Mrs. Benbow kindly officiating as judge. We understand this novel idea originated with a gentleman visiting the village, who desired to promote kindness to domestic animals, and 28 representatives of the feline tribe put in an appearance. At the close of the show athletic sports were held. The following was the list of successful competitors:-
For the handsomest cat, 1st, 2s. 6d., W. Hayward; 2nd, 1s., Robert Gosling.
For the heaviest cat, W. Newman and George Hewer equalled each other for the first prize, 2s. 6d., the cats weighing each 8 lbs. 9ozs; 2nd, 1s., G. Higgs.
For the oldest cat, W. J. Tytherleigh, 2s. 6d., the animal being fifteen years old.
For the best French cat, John Trinder, 2s. [Note: French meaning Angora i.e. longhair.]
For the best pure black cat, Martha Uzzell, 1s. 6d.
For the finest kitten, under six months old, 1st, 2s., M. Poole; 2nd, 1s. 6d., J. Chesney.
For the best youngest kitten without its mother, Raymond Cooke, 1s. 6d., the animal being six weeks old.
For the best cat and two kittens, Jane Roseman, 2s.

The first annual exhibition will be held in the Large Market Hall, Cannock, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 31st of December and 1st of January next. Further particulars will appear in next week's papers, and entry forms from secretary in due course.

DOG AND CAT SHOW IN BELFAST. Belfast News-Letter, 9th December 1873
TO THE EDITOR OF THE BELFAST NEWS-LETTER. SIR-It is high time Belfast should be awakening to a knowledge that she is behind in many things. Why, and wherefore, should not glorious old Belfast" have as good shows as many English towns? The capital of Ulster and commercial centre of Ire land must show it is able to hold her own, in shows0 as in other things. Deferring to the Birmingham Cat Show (which h was held the same as the great dog show), we find that the novelty of the exhibition secured an overwhelming attendance, placing the pecuniary success of the undertaking beyond question." Now, why could not a cat show be got up in Belfast in connection with the dog show? It would be sure to "draw" well, and would, I believe, be the first ever held in Ireland. I am sure there are numbers of s fine specimens of the feline race in the neighbourhood of Belfast that would be entered. As to that provoking point, expenses, promoters must bear in mind that there is such a thing as entrance fees and "gate money of admittance to the show, the latter of which would be certain to realise a handsome sum.-I remain, yours, etc., TABBY.


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