Cat Breeds (Recognized/Unrecognized, Common/Obscure), Variants, Mutations, Hybrids, Archaic/Alternate Names.

1994 - 2024 Sarah Hartwell

About the Messybeast Breed List

A - Z Breeds Index


With so many different registries with different views, the exact status of some breeds is hard to define. I have used the following terms:

Alternative Name: An alternative name still in use; might have been a proposed name while breed was being developed.
Archaic Name: Historical name no longer used.
Crossbred: Informal variety always created by crossing 2 other breeds.
Current: A currently recognised breed (means recognition by at least one registry in the world)
Experimental: Early stages of development. Some have provisional or preliminary recognition, but others do not seek or achieve registry recognition.
Extinct: No individuals of the breed exist e.g. Mexican Hairless
Fake: An attempt to decieve the public by representing a cat as something it is not.
Fictional: "Breeds" such as cabbits, squittens, Chinese Hairless and Egyptian Hairless that exist only in fiction or folklore (but people believe they are real).
Local Variety: Unrecognised distinct strain of cats found in a particular locality e.g. Buckfast Blue.
Mutation: Distinct strain that occurred through mutation; some are incorporated into similar-looking breeds (e.g. different Rex strains with the same gene mutation).
Proposed: Not even off the drawing board!
Unknown: Reported by reputable source, but with no other information, possibly a one-off.
Variant: Purebred cats that do not meet the breed standard due to hidden genes e.g. longhaired Bengals. Some are recognised in other countries under a different name.

A further region-specific classification is out of the scope of this list: Banned. In parts of Europe certain breeds are prohibited because their breed traits are considered harmful deformities. These include Manx/Cymric (spinal problems related to tailless mutation), Munchkin (dwarfism), Scottish Fold (skeletal problems), Sphynx (hairlessness is considered detrimental to the breed) and Blue-Eyed Whites in any breed (deafness).




Jaguar Sphynx


[2015] TICA. The most distinctive feature of the Jaguar Sphynx is its appearance of spots or rosettes on the hairless body, although Jaguar Sphynx are not actually completely hairless cats and there should be some evidence of hair on the bridge of the nose and the ears. The breed 1st came into light with the crossing of a standard bambino and a nonstandard bambino that created a long legged hairless kitten with spots on her coat. The spotted pattern is most associated with the "Jaguar look" as the hairless coat features clearly discernible spots, and can even produce rosettes. The Jaguar Sphynx s spots can be large or small and may include rosettes, like the spots of Jaguars and Leopards, which are two- toned spots. As the breed is further developed, in theory the Jaguar Sphynx may also show marbling, aka KING , which is a derivative of the classic pattern found in many breeds of cats but with an especially dramatic appearance in Jaguar Sphynx. The marbled Jaguar Sphynx, aka KING Jaguar Sphynx has a swirling pattern that appears as random swirls or thick diagonal and horizontal lines flowing across the coat of the cat as in the KING CHEETAH. The Jaguar Sphynx is of medium to large body. Females are generally smaller than males. The body feels warm and soft to the touch, with a skin texture akin to either a soft peach or a smooth nectarine. The Jaguar Sphynx is sweet-tempered, lively, and amenable to handling.

Jakarta Pink

Alternative Name

Name under which Thai Lilacs were registered when this lilac variant of Korat first appeared in Indonesia. See: Thai Lilac



A hybrid between domestic cats and Asian Fishing Cats to produce a large, muscular spotted domestic breed resembling the wild Fishing Cat. This is the third such hybrid and appears to resemble the pre-existing Viverral in type. See also: Bagral/Machbagral, Viverral

Jaguarundi Curl

Not Known

The Jaguarundi is a a South American cat (but very un-cat-like in shape). There are no documented matings of Jaguarundis to domestic cats therefore the Jaguarundi Curl is bred to resemble the Jaguarundi. Munchkins (or other short-legged cats) have been crossed to Highland Lynx. Initial crosses give the head, small curled ears and polydactyl feet of the Highland Lynx combined with the short legs and long body of the Munchkin, however Jaguarundi Curls are bred to have a full-length tail. Preferred patterns are solid colours or tawny (ticked) coats similar to those of the wild Jaguarundis; spotted/rosette markings (including sepia, snow and mink versions).

Japanese Bobtail (Shorthair)


Distinguished by its bobtail and high-cheekboned triangular face. Close-lying, silky short hair. Tail is 4-5 inches in length if fully extended, but due to kinked structure appears only 2-3" long. The tail hair often grows straight out in all directions, giving it a rabbit-like fluff-ball or pom-pom appearance. Preferred color is Mi-Ke (red-black-white calico), followed by white with either black or red splashes. In Japan it is found in other colors including agouti (Abyssinian pattern) and colorpoint (Si-Bobtail). Colorpointed versions occur naturally in Japan. The gene for Bobtail is widespread throughout Asia, extending as far as Russia. It should not be confused with the Manx or American Bobtail. See also: American Bobtail, Karelian, Kuril Bobtail, Pixie-Bob

Japanese Bobtail Longhair


As for Japanese Bobtail but with semi-longhair coat.

Javanese (US)


Identical to the Balinese but with Lynx/Tortie/Flame points

Javanese (NZ)


Self/Spotted/Tabby Balinese variants (i.e. non-pointed). See also: Oriental Longhair

Javanese (UK/Europe)

Archaic name

Old term for Oriental Longhair. See Oriental Longhair, Mandarin, Angora

Jungle Bob


Jungle Cat (F chaus) x PixieBob. Bob-tailed Jungle cat hybrid.



The New Zealand Jungala (recognised 2001) is an Ocicat in the classic tabby pattern. Apart from the classic tabby pattern, the conformation and temperament are the same as the Ocicat. The spotted Ocicat is derived from a mix of Abyssinian, Siamese and American Shorthair and also produces ticked tabby and classic tabby variants. Ticked tabbies may be used in breeding programs, but classic tabbies are not desirable. Unlike the Bengal's marbled pattern, the Jungala has the normal classic tabby pattern. The Ocicat and Jungala are inter-mateable and progeny registered according to their pattern. Spot-to-spot matings produce smaller spots; spot-to-classic matings produce larger spots. Jungalas come tawny (brown or black classic tabby), chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lavender or fawn and also in the silver versions of those colours. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word for "Jungle". See also: Classicat



Derived from Chausie x Bengal cross, renamed Poljun in 2014. Medium to large cats, with males larger than females. Athletic, but not heavily built. Powerful looking, active and intelligent, but never aggressive. Long forehead, slightly triangular (especially in females) with high, well-developed cheekbones, full muzzle and chin; rounded whisker pads. Ears medium/large, tall and erect, wide based, rounded tips with ear tufts preferred, placed close together on the top of head. Eves oval-to-round, medium to large but must not protrude; gold/yellow (preferred) to light green and intelligent-looking. Long, elegant, muscular body with deep chest. Hind legs longer than forelegs, medium boning and muscular. Long medium-thick tail. Coat short/medium and dense with a softer undercoat. All patterns have tabby markings on face, legs and tail, necklaces on chest. Brown ticked tabby spotted - sandy-gray to reddish gold ticked base coat, small spots on the body and a distinctly lighter colour around eyes and on muzzle. Brown black marbled - beige background with brown/black marbling. Black brown spotted - grey to brown background with darker spots or rosettes on the body and striped or spotted legs. White lockets are not allowed, but there may be some white specks in the coat like the Chausie's grizzle markings.

Jungle Cat Hybrids


Any F chaus x Domestic Cat hybrid of which the Chausie and Euro-Chausie are best known. Other Jungle Cat hybrids include F chaus x black domestic shorthair (black panther-like hybrids) F chaus x Maine Coon (large hybrids), F chaus x Bengal, F chaus x PixieBob.

Jungle Curl


Jungle Cat (F chaus) x American Curl (Hemingway Curl) x outcrosses to domestic shorthairs, Serengetis, Jungle cat hybrids, pure Jungle Cats, Bengals, Egyptian Mau, and Abyssinians. Emphasis is on type, not on wild blkood percentage. No further crosses with American Curls or any form of bobtail or polydactyl. Has a tendency to have short tail, but this is being bred out as it may be inherited from domestic cats not Jungle Cats. Colours are ebony, blue, sorrel, fawn, chocolate, lilac (including silvers, sepias, snows). Patterns are tawny (ticked with faint barring on tail, legs, chest and face) and leopard (spotted, preferably rosetted, with barring on legs and tail). Sepia, mink and snow varieties have faint leopard spots to appear.


Alternative Name

See Cubbari.

Jungle Lynx


Jungle Cat (F chaus) x Bobcat. This is not a domestic breed but a cross between two wild species. Later generations will include domestic genes as they may be crossed to Savannah, Egyptian Mau, Serengeti, Desert Lynx and PixieBob domestic breeds.

CAT BREEDS TIME-LINE - A list of dates when breeds and varieties (i.e. populations which bred true) were discovered or recognised (now held on its own webpage due to the increasing size of this list).

CAT COLOURS & PATTERNS  - A plain English guide to cat colours and patterns, including breed-specific colours/patterns.

About this List of Breeds and the Breeds Time-Line
This file was originally started for my own interest back in the 1980s. Information on currently recognised cat breeds is readily available in books, from registries/governing bodies (GCCF, FIFe, ACFA etc), breed societies or on the Internet. Breed recognition and breed descriptions vary between registries and countries. This "layperson's list" contains general descriptions only and is not (nor will it ever be) specific to any single registry, breed society or cat-breeding country. It will not link to, nor name, any breeder pages or cattery pages as this would compromise its independence. It comprises information and trivia from diverse sources worldwide including historical texts and personal correspondence. I wish to express my gratitude to the various contributors who have helped me keep it up-to-date.


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